"Woah, kid," the Sendaris, the Champion said, "You're not—"

There! It wasn't much but it was all there was. Ingressus lunged across the bed and snatched up the flowerpot, then scrambled to his feet and leaped at the murderer before him.

Or, tried to.

The minute his leg took his weight, Ingressus's ankle crumpled. He fell in a painful heap to the floor, elbow cracking against the stone and the flowerpot splitting in half.

"Woah, are you all right?"

The Champion reached for him. Ingressus lashed out, smashing the piece of ceramic into the Champion's wrist.

"OW!" The Sendaris recoiled, cradling his hand to his chest. "Wither's rot, kid, you've got an arm!"

He'd done it. He'd landed a blow on the Champion. Ingressus snatched up a sharper piece of the flowerpot and scrambled back, slashing at the air to keep the Champion away. He needed to run, had to get away, but the only exit was behind the Sendaris...

"Kid, just calm down," the Sendaris was saying. "I'm not gonna hurt you—"

"You killed the rest of them but you won't hurt me?" How stupid did the Champion think he was? You couldn't trust the other clans, every Voltaris knew that!

"What are you talking about?"

No other raiders had shown up, that was good. Maybe the Champion figured he didn't need help to finish Ingressus. Well, Ingressus would make him fight for it!

If your enemy thinks you're weak, let them underestimate you. Even the best fighters can fall to overconfidence.

Ingressus limped backwards, leaning on the wall as though for support. It wasn't all an act, but an escape you survive was a successful one, and that was all that mattered. He needed an opening, a shot at a weak spot. If he could somehow make the Sendaris fall he could smash his head against the stone, knock him out or stun him long enough to get past. The sharp fragment could do some serious damage if he hit the right spot, could he bring him down that way? Yes, that was the plan. Act weak and scared, draw him in, do as much damage as fast as possible and then run as fast as he could.

But the Champion wasn't approaching him. If anything, he'd taken a step back, hands empty and held out to his sides as if to– what, act like he was unarmed? Ingressus wouldn't fall for his tricks.

"Okay," the Sendaris said. "I'm not a Voltaris, so I'm automatically an enemy. Fine, fair enough. But I'd like to think that not all of us are like the raiders. I certainly try not to be."

How stupid did the Champion think he was?!

"You're not like them?!" Ingressus half-screeched. "You led them! Everyone I've ever known is dead because of you! I saw it!"

The Champion only gave him a baffled look. "Kid, who the Nether do you think I—"

The Sendaris cut himself off, realization falling across his face like a slow avalanche. Ingressus gripped the shard of pottery tighter as the Sendaris gritted his teeth, his gaze leaving Ingressus as he glared at nothing.

"Void curse him," he growled. "Curse him to the pits of the Nether. When will it be enough for you?"

The Sendaris continued to mutter curses, but Ingressus didn't listen. Whatever had distracted the Champion was a good enough opportunity as any. He edged forward, and when the Sendaris didn't notice he lunged, stabbing at his face.

But he'd overestimated his speed. The Champion recoiled, bringing an arm up to protect his head. The ceramic cut into his skin, not nearly enough, and the Sendaris grabbed Ingressus's wrists, holding him at arm's length. Ingressus kicked at his captor's shins, but though the Champion winced his grip didn't loosen.

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