call it what you want

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18+ pls!! there's smut!!

Parties weren't Steve's thing. Not anymore, anyway. And Halloween parties in particular were definitely crossed off the list, especially after everything that had happened with Nancy a few years ago. He was over Nancy, they were even friends now, but something about the idea of going to another Halloween party stirred up a sick feeling in Steve's stomach that he wanted to run from. Somehow, though, Robin had managed to convince him that it would be fun.

Really, it hadn't taken much convincing on Robin's part — all she had to do was mention you, and Steve was in, though he'd never admit that to her. It was stupid, she thought, the way the two of you were constantly pining for each other, but refusing to do anything about it. She'd heard enough lovesick complaints from her best friends, and decided she'd take it into her own hands. And Halloween seemed like the perfect opportunity. She wasn't quite sure how yet, but she was sure the night would end at the very least with confessions. She'd make sure of it.

And so, Steve was two drinks deep in a crowded house, filled with more regret than beer. Robin had somehow disappeared after one drink, Eddie was nowhere in sight, and he still had yet to see you. Maybe you'd decided not to come. If so, the whole night would be a waste. He hadn't missed parties one bit. The stuffy, crowded rooms filled with sweaty bodies pressed against each other as music pounded in his ears, pulsing lights making his head throb.

It didn't used to be so bad. He used to be the keg king, down shot after shot, maybe get lucky, and still wake up the next day more or less fine. Now, two drinks usually did him in, and he didn't always like the feeling of being drunk. Of being out of control. To be fair, he'd taken quite a few beatings that had definitely fucked with his head since he'd last been to a proper party. But parties just weren't enjoyable anymore. Especially when all of his friends had disappeared, and he didn't know anyone surrounding him.

Tipping the last of his drink into his mouth, Steve crushed the red plastic cup in his hand and tossed it into the trash can nearby that was already almost overflowing. A familiar laugh sounded behind him, a sweet sound above the loud bass, "Whoa there, champ. How many drinks have you had?!"

Steve already had a smile on his face as he turned around, and his jaw nearly hit the floor at the sight of you. You hadn't ditched. And better yet, you looked fucking gorgeous. He let out an adoring laugh, eyebrows furrowing together, forehead wrinkling as he asked, "Champ?"

"Your costume, silly," you nodded towards his outfit as you reached out, placing your warm palm against his bicep. Without thinking, Steve leaned into your touch, stepping in closer to you, his hand grazing your hip slightly.

Since it had been a last-minute decision, and since he wasn't fond of Halloween anyways, Steve had decided to pull his baseball uniform from high school out of his closet. It fit a little tighter than it used to, but would work well enough for one night. The ugly green and orange baseball jersey was tucked into a pair of baseball pants, and he'd even tucked his wild hair underneath a Hawkins high baseball hat. Steve's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, the soft pink obvious on his pale skin, even in the dim lighting of the house. "Oh, right. Yeah, I think I kinda... knocked it out of the park with this one."

The snort that left your mouth had Steve smiling again as you clapped a hand over your mouth, "Oh my god. That was fucking awful, Steve. It does look good, though. Can't believe you'd ruin all of your pretty hair under that hat."

Steve flushed again, a common occurrence that he couldn't help when he was around you, and shrugged, "What can I say? I'm dedicated to the costume. I like your costume, too, by the way; you look nice."

Your eyes lit up at his compliment as you bounced on the balls of your feet nervously, "Yeah? Thanks, Stevie." You were wearing a short shirt that had "Camp Crystal Lake" printed across the chest, with a picture of a lake underneath it, and a pair of red shorts that were also nearly too short; you were a counselor from one of your favorite horror movies, Friday the 13th. Quite frankly, the costume fit you perfectly, accentuating all of your best features, and you weren't oblivious to the way his eyes had caught on you when he'd first turned around.

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