The next day

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I was on my ps5 playing fortnite and call of duty black ops 4 3  and advance warfare when my controller died so I had to wait for it to charge and when it was charged I played with my friend Eli who moved to Australia and my friend Travis that is my best friend we won some matches and I almost got Hearld the boss from fortnite.I went to fighting I could kinda walk on it so my mum decided for me to go to fighting so we did she always watches me while I'm we were in the car I was in the back because we got back from cheeky chimps so I was tired so when we got there I was almost late to 5 minutes to spare so me and my sister ran into fighting well for me limping so we got in straight away and the boss said to line up and he said the blue gi's to do 2 laps of forward rolls that really hurts my foot and I hold my tears and I didn't say anything to my coach so I kept going then after like 19 minutes my coach said to do an armbar from bottom and I was with a boy and my sore foot got stuck under his head and then I said wait a minute to him and went to my mum crieing and I said mummy my foot is sore and she said to tell my coach I can't do training  my foot is sore from yesterday so I did and I had to wait in the cafe there because my sister had to come out and my mum had Korrins glasses so I waited for like 30 minutes and then we went to my car and my sisters had to go home and I go to the hospital so we got there and my mum paid for the parking and I hopped to the door of the hospital and then my mum tolled the person everything she needed to know and then the person said to go to the green zone and then my mum had to piggy back me to the waiting room and then 10 minutes later we got into the X-ray room and I badly bruised it so they but a soft cast on it that I'm wearing right now so I went home and then I watched YouTube and watched #prestonplays THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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