01: Summers Ending

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August 30, 2010
Carson, Georgia
Phoenix's POV

It's been over two months since the outbreak went airborne and destroyed the city of Atlanta.

The major part of the destruction happened on June 18th. We all were watching the TV, when another Civil service broadcast was put out.

It told us that they were napalming the cities of Savannah and Atlanta, as the cordons there had both been overrun with the dead. Lilah and her family had been evacuating to Atlanta that day, as her little sister, Caitlin, got sick again and needed medical attention.

After that, the power grid went down completely, it was just unstable before, but now it is completely gone. Beth's boyfriend, Jimmy Hodges, is staying with us, as his family all succumbed to the virus.

Mama and Shawn got bit by one of those things on the same day, and Daddy put them in the barn, until we can get them to a safe zone for medical attention.

The high school cordon also failed. FEMA was there as well but it just wasn't meant to be, the whole thing was overrun last Friday.

Patricia and Otis, two of our family friends, are also staying with us now, as their house burnt.

As I'm sitting on the porch drinking a glass of tea when something catches my eye.

I grab the binoculars and look out into the field to see a man carrying a little boy across it with blood on his shirt.

"Dad!" I yell as I run inside and soon the man makes it to the house, where Daddy leads him into a room to begin the examination of the boy.

"What's your name?" Daddy asks as I hand him the kit and he says Rick.

"Alright Rick, I need you to step back and let us work, alright?" Patricia says as I take Rick from the room and into the living room, as I see Otis and another man come down the hill.

I see that Rick and this other man know each other and go back into the room with the boy to see if Daddy needs help.

The boy wakes up and begins to scream and move as Daddy tries to get a piece of shotgun out of his belly.

Maggie goes to get Rick and the other man and helps us hold the boy down.

"Stop! You're killing him!" Rick yells when the boy screams fromt he pain and I back him up into the wall.

"Do you want him to live Rick?!" I yell and go back to help.

Daddy finally gets it out and then the boy passes out. The two men freak at first until Daddy mentions he just passed out.

Rick and his friend go out on the porch as I follow, Rick gave blood, so I'm making sure his ass don't collapse.

He mentions that his wife isn't here and I decide to go after her.

After Shane and Otis leave for the high school to get supplies for the surgery, I go back to Rick.

"What's yor wife's name?" I ask him and he looks at me before looking away.

"Lori , her name is Lori." He says and I nod as I go to get on Sandpaper, my quarter horse, before going after his wife.

I finally get past the church he was talking about and into the woods when I hear a scream and people yelling.

I get up to them and knock the shit out of dead one with my ball bat before stopping Sandpaper.

"Lori?! Lori Grimes?!" I call out and a woman stands apart from the rest of the people.

"I'm Lori, what's going on?" She asks and I sigh.

"You have to come with me! Carl's been shot!" I say nd she runs to me as this bro with a crossbow comes closer telling Lori she can't go with me.

"Y'all stuck in the big traffic snarl back on I-85? Backtrack to Fairburn Road, mailbox says Greene! Hi-Ya!" I yell as I head for home.

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