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10:47 PM
location: y/n's bedroom

Ever since DD has been getting more views, and followers. He's been getting busier. He's always in the studio which isn't a problem, I rather him be in there all the time than out in the streets being a hooligan.

But it seems like we never see each other anymore. For 3 weeks now he's been blowing me off, we only see each other on the block with other people, but never just us two together.

I don't wanna make it seem like I'm trying to take away from him. I'm glad that he's getting noticed

y/n mh i won't b able to make it tonight jstar squeezed in a studio sesh i didn't know about i'm sorry tmr tho we can link up

I left him on read. This is becoming an everyday thing. My chest hurts and a familiar sting starts on my throat, before I knew it tears were streaming down my face and they wouldn't stop

I took my dress off and put on some sweats,
I removed my makeup and rings. Tonight didn't go as planned but that doesn't mean it has to be completely shit

I doordash some McDonald's and started watching a movie.

1:03 AM
location: studio

I feel so bad for what I did to y/n, I dead forgot about about the studio
I hope she's not too mad, I've called her 5 times in the past 2 hours and no answer

"Bro you good?" DDot asked me

This is the second time I've bailed on her and It's really not my fault

"Shorty buggin rn" I replied

As we start packin our stuff up
I check her location, It says she home so that was weird
We get into the car and I ask my brother

"Yo jstar can we stop at y/n's rq?

1:36 AM
location: y/n's house

I hear my door open, I look up and it's- wow look who showed. It's DD. He comes over to me and sits on my bed. I mug him and ask

"Why are you here?"

"U sleep?"

Fucking dumbass

"DD go home" I turn away facing the opposite wall then he has the nerve to say

"Ma don't be like that"

Right now I don't know if I wanna cry or yell, I sit up look him dead in the eye and say

"You flaked on me for like the 200th time this month."

"I know I'm sorry but let me explai-"

"Its the same excuse everytime, I got my nails done, did my makeup and even bought a new fuckin dress"

"I'm sor-"

"I'm not finished, I did all that for you and you couldn't even let me know an hour before or something. It's our 1 year date we've been pushing off for a week now."

"Ok I'm sorry I should've told you before but I swear I didn't know about today"

"but you promised."

**AN: sorry for the shitty chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed also go read my new dd osama story now!!!!** please vote

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