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Scott was in a car accident with his boyfriend, Alexander. He never remembered anything except of some blurry images in his head.

Everything that flashed in his mind was like a dream, a nightmare rather.

He opened his eyes, just to be engulfed by the silence and darkness. The only light remaining in his presence was the light bulb on the ceiling.

He stood up from his position on the floor and felt an ache on his head. He noticed that his head was with blood but it never was with a wound, he even felt nothing but fine.

He walked to the door he saw and faced a long hallway.

Scott always hated the eerie atmosphere of every old houses with lots of painting on the walls of hallways. The paintings were not disturbing at all but it was weird. Happy faces here and there, then family frames are scattered. It almost felt like they are staring right in his soul.

He saw a door again but it would not budge.

He decided to walk on the hallways, hearing every raindrops that hit the windows. It was very rainy outside.

"Alex?" He shouted, remembering that he knows someone named like that.

Right, Scott almost forgot everything. All he knows was Scott is his name and a guy named Alex was with him.

"Alex?" He asked with the echoes within and finally got goosebumps.

"Alex?" He shouted again, until he sees an area with a light.

He rushes to that place just to hear a scratchy and old radio with some news on. It made him feel so much uncomfortable.

"I can't remember anything, shut up!" He told the radio.

The radio was on and in some way, he was terrified to even turn it off. To even scare him, there was a flickering, hanged light above him. It was swinging even though there's no wind at that area, making such sound that makes the atmosphere more eerie.

He decided to listen to what the radio says, there's no other choice.

December 19, 1887 ... Today, a family was brutally murdered.

The mother was stabbed a multiple times in the hallway upstairs of their house, it even brought out her guts. A note was found beside her, "you're really destined to be with me forever."

A lady's dead body was inside the bathroom, shot on her forehead and sources say that police have also found a note by her side saying, "sorry, not sorry my daughter".

With that, they assumed that the father of the family killed the whole family.

A young man's corpse was also found inside a closet of a bedroom upstairs, shot a multiple times and his heart brought out his chest. The heart was said to be crushed beside the dead body.

A note was also found saying, "son, come with us, please."

Scott's goosebumps even got mad and the chills behind his spine can't take it anymore, he almost fell on his knees.

The radio got crazy after the last phrase it said and with such tone of between very low and high, it said, "I don't want to be with them."

"Just let me go!" Scott yelled.

He tried opening all the doors with a brave heart. He forced every doorknob to turn and to budge but it wouldn't. Even the entrance door of the house won't let him exit.

"Get out before he takes you." The glitch noises of the radio seemed to say.

Scott breathe in and out then by that, he heard a loud noise from a corner and there goes the opened door leading to a door again. He swore it was locked before.

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