2. Well, Hello Again Soul mate

Start from the beginning

I was currently hiding under the counter. It was now the afternoon so not many people usually arrived.

"Castiel?" The small voice asked.

"Down here, Alfie."

The was silence before I heard shuffling and saw Alfie's upside down face looking down at me from the counter top.

"...are you okay?" He asked.

I was just about to reply when Charlie walked out of the kitchen, a bag in her hands.

"He's been like this since the incident. Here are your cookies."

Alfie slid off the counter and took the bag.

"What incident?" He asked, pulling one out and taking a bite.

"That guy you crashed into in the morning before school...was Dean. A Dean who sat here for hours waiting for pie to be made. A Dean who ran up to Cas and kissed him when he heard what his name was. A Dean who asked Cas out and disappeared. A Dean who walked out of the cafe without paying. A Dean who stole Cas' wallet. A liar. And a thief." Charlie sneered.

Whoa, she was angry.

Alfie backed away from her and nodded.

"Oh...I'm sorry. Maybe he'll give it back! Was he looking for you?"

I crawled out from under the counter to watch Alfie.

"H-he said he was...I don't believe him though..." I sighed.

Alfie bit his bottom lip and looked at the floor.

"He looked nice...so maybe he'll give it back." Alfie reassured.

I smiled at him and sighed.

"So how was school. . .?" I asked.

Alfie sighed at the sudden change in subject and sat down at one of the tables.

"It was fine, Cas...same old same old. I was bored half the day and asleep the other."

I laughed and shook my head.

"Nothing new happened, at all?"

Alfie shook his head and headed towards the door.

"It was nice seeing you guys again." Alfie called and ran out just as people came in.

I sighed and attended the customers.

Charlie ended up hiding in the kitchen to bake more cupcakes or something.


I wandered over to the window and flipped the sign the other way around- it was closing time.

Charlie had left a little earlier because a new episode of Game Of Thrones was about to air.

I wandered back to the counter and grabbed a damp towel to clean off the tables.

After that, I moved the desserts behind the counter window into the kitchen and into the fridge so nothing would happen to them.

I cleaned the coffee maker and such.

And then the little bell on the door rang.

"We're closed!" I called from a corner of the room where I was now sweeping.

"Well, hello again, soul mate."

"I don't understand- " I cut myself off when I turned around to see who was here.

Freaking Dean was here.

"What the hell do you want?!" I sneered.

He smirked and walked over to prop himself up on the counter.

"Good to see you too. Anyways, I'm here to return something." He said, searching through his pocket before pulling out my wallet.

He waved it around before tossing it to me and looking through his pocket again.

"Also here to pay for the coffee and pie from earlier." And he pulled out some cash. "Now, according to your signs, it should be around $35."

I watched him set the money on the counter before hopping off and heading towards the door.

I quickly opened my wallet and looked inside to see if everything was there.

"Wait a freaking minute." I gasped, stopping Dean from leaving.


"Oh I don't know, you tell me. I had 50 dollars worth of cash in my wallet and all of a sudden I have 15 left."

"I don't see how th- "

"You're paying me with my own fucking money!" I yelled.

Dean smirked and wandered back to the counter.

"Hmm, not only cute, but smart too. That's good." He mumbled, looking at me.

He pulled out more money from his pocket and paid me with that.

I gladly took it and placed it in the cash register, placing my money back in my wallet.

Dean sort of just watched me. It was getting kind of awkward.

I had walked back to my broom to continue sweeping.

"Let's have some fun." I heard him say.

"What are you talking about?" But before I knew it, he grabbed my arm, spun me around and kissed me. Again. WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THIS GUY?!

I tried pulling away, I did. But he only pulled me closer the more I struggled.

He pulled away and began kissing my jaw and neck. I whimpered and grabbed his shoulders, pushing him away.

And he did pull away, but he looked at me with hurt in his eyes which soon turned into anger. He let go of me completely and turned away, wiping his mouth.

I didn't know what to do, what to say. I just stood there watching Dean stand there. This was a very awkward day.

"Dean. . ."

"Sorry. I was bored." He stated blandly.

And that hurt me.

"So am I just some item to entertain you?" I asked him.

He turned to look at me and sighed.

"No. I've just never been good at this sort of thing."

I smiled softly and walked up to him, placing a hand on his cheek. He looked scared, worried, lost. I wondered if he had someone he lived with.

"Well, we are soul mates so. . .maybe this will be good practice. For both of us."

Dean nodded and bit his bottom lip, shuffling his feet nervously.

"Could we maybe. . .go somewhere tomorrow?" He whispered.

"You mean a date?"

His cheeks began to turn pink but he nodded.

"Of course." I smiled. Dean looked at me and smiled as well.

"When do you have a break?"

I thought for a moment before nodding to myself.

"My break is at around 2:00. You can stop by then- where are you taking me?"

"That, my dear Castiel, is a surprise." He smirked. I nodded sadly and said good bye. Dean began to leave but came back to give me a soft kiss on the cheek. And he was gone.

I sighed happily and grabbed my broom again.

It was such a roller coaster with Dean. I wonder where he's taking me.

*'SUP, BITCHES! How was that? Sorry if something is wonky- I wrote this on my laptop cause my phone drowned today.......yea. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Do you guys think Dean's a jerk? Will he stay a jerk? Find out the next time this bitch updates this fic.

Also. . .guess what song we'll be hearing this upcoming Wednesday?

ComeAlongHolmes_ *

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