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Haneul stared at Lee Joon with shocked face
Lee Joon: yes haneul you are their daughter whom she thought as dead
Jungkook's eyes became teary
Jiya who was behind Jungkook placed her hand on his shoulder
Jiya: jungkook we will save them
Taehyung was angry as hell
Taehyung: leave my son and daughter Lee Joon
Lee Joon: oh my god I am sacred hahaha what you think taehyung I will be scared hearing your Barking.
Jungkook why are you not speaking anything cat cought your tounge or what
Jungkook: leave them
Lee Joon: hmm how about no
Jungkook: stop getting on my nerves let them go
Lee Joon: really jungkook I have your children's with me and you talk to me like this don't you care about your children
Saying this he ordered one of his guard to hit Taegguk
Taehyung and jungkook were going front
Lee Joon: no no don't you dare to come near us otherwise you will loose your happiness
Taekook stood there while staring at their son and daughter with worried eyes
Jungkook: leave them
Lee Joon: no
Jungkook was getting flashback of his parents death seeing the scene infront
Jungkook: l-l-eave them
Lee Joon smilled evily when he heard the struturing voice
Lee Joon: what jungkook getting flashback of  your parents death
Jungkook clenched fist and sighed deeply and turned towards taehyung wishpred in his ear
Taehyung frowned in confusion
Jungkook: I am going to do something so don't stop me
Taehyung: what
Jungkook: listen Lee Joon leave them
Lee Joon: if you surrender yourself may be I will think about it
Lee Joon: jungkook I am asking you
Jungkook: I will surrender leave them
Lee Joon laughed and asked his guard to tie jungkook
Taehyung: what are you doing jungkook
Jungkook: I am not ready to loose my son and daughter Taehyung please let me do it
Taegguk: no mom please stop this
Jungkook: gguk nothing will happen
The guard's tied jungkook's hand and dragged her towards Lee Joon
Other soldiers were staring at this scene with worry and disappointment they were disappointed seeing their queen was getting treated this way
Yoongi: Lee Joon you are inviting your death by doing this
Lee Joon: shut up you all and you all stay back from me otherwise your queen will be dead
Said while placing knife around jungkook's neck
Jungkook: yoongi hyung just do as he says
Yoongi: but
Jungkook: hyung
They backed away from them
Suddenly a dark smoke appeared and they all closed their eyes it was fully covered with smoke.
After 30 mintues when the smoke cleared they all turned towards the Lee Joon but they couldn't find him
Taehyung: where are they
Yoongi: they took gguk and Haneul with them
Taehyung: everyone I need you all to search this whole place if you find your queen and Taegguk and Haneul safely then kill that Lee Joon
All of them nodded their head and went fir search of their queen
Taehyung: yoongi hyung you
Before he could say anything he noticed one pearl on the field he went towards it
Yoongi: what happened
Taehyung: follow this
Yoongi: what
Taehyung: it's jungkook's I remember it follow it , it will lead Where are they.

Somewhere in between the jungle
Lee Joon was staring at jungkook who was kneeling on the ground while Taegguk and Haneul were held by the guard
Lee Joon:Wow what scene we have here , The Great Queen of Kim Kingdom is on her knees begging
jungkook:Leave my children
Lee Joon:What if I say no
Jungkook: taehyung will not leave you
Lee Joon:I know that, but guess what before he can reach here I will kill you three, so when he will reach here he will find his family dead
Jungkook: Leave them
Lee Joon:So feisty, guards tie them up let's see who will save them now
Jungkook:I promise you once my hands are free you will be dead
Lee Joon:Oh shit I am scared
Lee Joon: you know what I really didn't had any problem with you but because of you my brother died
Jungkook: he deserved it
Lee Joon: then you also deserve it
Said while taking an knife and tracing it over jungkook's cheek
Lee Joon: you have a beautiful face  so I don't want to ruin it
Jungkook: leave me you shit head
Lee Joon:you are getting on my nerves jungkook I really wanted to torture you but I don't have enough time so let me end this quickly, he made jungkook stand and stabbed hik with knife
Taegguk: MOM
Lee Joon again stabbed her making her groan in pain
Jungkook: if you think that after doing this you will be alive then you are wrong
Lee Joon: you talk to much by the way have a safe journey to heaven
Taegguk: mom
Lee Joon was going towards his horse but arrow stuck in his chest making him fall and the guards of him were also fell on the ground when the arrow piers across them
Taegguk: dad uncle
Taehyung who saw jungkook who was on the ground rushed towards her and held her in arms
Taehyung: jungkook
Yoongi untied haneul and Taegguk
They both ran towards their parents
Jungkook: I am sorry Haneul I couldn't be good mother
Haneul: no mom you are great mother I know that nothing will happen to you
Jungkook: i am feeling sleepy
Taehyung: No please don't leave me jungkook please
Taehyung:Please jungkook I can't leave without you
Jungkook:You can you have lived 12 years you will further also
Taehyung:No I can't
Taegguk:Mom please don't leave me
Haneul:Mom please I have just found you
You can't leave me
Jungkook:Taegguk be a great king just like your father and his father, protect your sister at any cost , don't miss me so much I will be watching you all from there as a star
Taegguk:Mom stop please
Jungkook fell unconscious
Yoongi: taehyung she is unconscious she is still breathing we need her to take to doctor carry her to tent
Taehyung carried jungkook in his arms and ran towards the tent
Yoongi made the guards capture Lee Joon and left behind Taehyung after saying
Yoongi: just wait and watch how you are going suffer Lee Joon.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
Your author

I am totally disappointed in my writing today , this part was nothing like I wanted to write sorry for boring part 😞😞

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