1. You Can't Stop Her Dancing

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***2009: London, England***

Erin is listening to a song she really likes called "You Can't Stop The Beat" from a musical called Hairspray. She is stuck in her room and watching a video of the song. Erin really likes the song because it makes her feel happy and inspired. The song is from a story about a girl named Tracy who is from Baltimore. Tracy is really talented - she sings and dances really well. She also helps bring people together by making sure everyone, no matter their skin color, can be on a TV show together.

Erin and Tracy have similar bodies, but Erin's hair is shorter and not blonde. Because of this, some people make fun of her. It can sometimes hurt, but she doesn't let it bother her. On the weekends, Erin likes to study in her room while listening to musicals and other popular songs. She also enjoys going to the store with her mom and riding her bike.

She couldn't stop herself from dancing and singing with the actors in the original London show. She got up and did the famous dance from the song.

🎶Cause you can't stop the beat
Ever since this old world began
A woman found out if she shook it
She could shake up a man
And so i'm gonna shake and shimmy it
The best that i can today

Cause you can't stop
The motion of the ocean
Or the sun in the sky
You can wonder if you wanna
But i never ask why
And if you try to hold me down
I'm gonna spit in your eye and say
That you cant stop the beat!🎶

She didn't realize that when she talked, sang, or stomped her feet, the sound bounced off the walls and filled the whole living room.

I can't hear what the news is saying on TV, Erin! Please lower the volume of your music and voice.

Erin's mom rushed into her room and shouted. Erin quickly stood still and stopped dancing.

Mrs. Bailey said that a sickness called swine flu is spreading a lot in the UK. More and more people are getting sick, and sadly, some people have even died from it. This means we need to be extra careful to stay healthy.

Erin didn't listen to her mom. Even though she stopped dancing, she still spends time watching YouTube videos.

“Therefore, you should not leave the house, especially if it is not necessary,” her mother advised. “The disease that is currently spreading is contagious. To be healthy and prevent illness, you must always eat well.”

The girl is not listening to Mrs. Bailey, but she really enjoys watching the London cast, especially Michael Ball as Edna Turnblad.

Eileen hugged Mrs Bailey and added: "Mum, I would love to be a part of a Hairspray show, even if it's just an ensemble. You know Hairspray is one of my favorite musicals, right? "

Mrs. Bailey let out a big breath and looked sad.

Erin Jane Bailey, make sure you focus and work really hard on your studies. Right now, you are doing well in music, art, and communication arts, but you need to improve in other subjects because you are not passing them.

"Why don't you put me in a theater or musical program instead? You know I have my heart in music, so I'd do just fine there," Irene asked confused.

Music school is more expensive, my love, and even if your dad and I put our money together, it still won't be enough to pay for everything we need. But don't worry, I will work really hard to help you get into music school so you can become an amazing singer, just like your dad.

Erin quietly said something under her breath.

Erin wants to apply for a special money prize called a scholarship. She goes back to her seat and sits down on a chair. Erin explains that some kids at school make fun of her and don't like musicals. They prefer popular music because it's cool and everyone listens to it.

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