chapter one: meeting the private investigators -investigation part 1-

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-June 20, time: 10 am-

A man dressed in a blue suit with spikey hair is currently looking at the address of 223 Baker Street, LA. the house in question was an mansion-like house. He wasn't very sure about asking the private investigators to help him with his case. He was with a kid who knows him from his client.

?: are you going to knock on the door, Mr Nick?

The man in the blue suit walked towards the door with the kid following him. After he knocked on the door, an 17 year old girl dressed in white opened it. She was wearing a pair of goggles on top of her head.

 She was wearing a pair of goggles on top of her head

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(With goggles on top of her head)

?2: yes? Oh, you must be Phoenix Wright the defence attorney. We've been expecting you.

Phoenix: I've been asked to find someone called Holmes to help me in my case.

?2: I'm sure that He'll be able to help. But first I need to introduce myself. I'm Amanda Watson. Please call me Amy.

Phoenix: nice to meet you. Allow me to introduce Pearl Fey. She's my client's cousin.

Amanda leads the defence attorney and Pearl to meet with her friend. When they reached his study, they heard something like a violin.

Amy: sounds like Y/N is playing the violin again.

Pearl: (tilts her head in confusion) Vio-len?

Amy: (corrects the kid) it's pronounced 'Vio-lin' an musical instrument. I must warn you though: Holmes can be a little eccentric from time to time.

The trio meet the investigator as he finishes playing the violin. Amy love it when he plays the instrument. He notices Phoenix and Pearl.

Y/N: welcome. How can I help?

Phoenix: I've been asked to find you for your services. My client was arrested for something that she didn't do.

Y/N: if I'm going to guess that it's something to do with someone called Dr Grey's murder seeing as he overworked his staff to the point of being super tired.

Phoenix was amazed with his deduction skills. Phoenix gives the private investigators the sit-rep of his case.

Phoenix: before I ask you to start your investigation, how much do you charge?

Y/N: $60 per case.

Phoenix: that's not very expensive.

Amy: that's what our add says.

The inventor held out an add saying "Holmes and Watson: private investigators. No matter how big the case is, the price is reasonable." She gives Phoenix an card with their number. Something was bothering Holmes though.

Y/N: did you come to find us from Gumshoe?

Phoenix: that's right. He also mentioned something about a prosecution prodigy as well.

This made the private investigators go quiet as Pearl started to get worried.

Pearl: Mr. Holmes? Ms. Watson?

Y/N: seeing as 'she'll' be the prosecutor, we'll take your case. Free of charge.

Phoenix: really?

Amy: of course. We'll start tomorrow if that works with you.

Phoenix: Maya's trial is tomorrow.

Y/N: (to Amanda) get the car ready.

Amanda gets a set of keys to bring the car over as Y/N collects his coat. The three of them went to the front door and was met with a good looking car. The car in question was a Rolls Royce gen 8
Once they got in, Y/N puts in the destination to Pearl's home, Kurain Village.

Next time: investigating the murder scene

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