ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 55 {Oᑌᖇ ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕᕼIᑭ...}🚂

Start from the beginning

Together to dodge the wife's attacks. She throws her weapons around wildly, a swing coming close to hitting us before ducking and moving backwards again.

Growing closer and closer to the back of the train.

Becoming parkour pros, to get over the gap between the train carriages, and to gain more speed to get away from the fast approaching spud, we started performing a little tumbling and backwards layouts before reaching the edge of the last carriage.

Balancing dangerous on the edge, we watch in horror as Betty takes on last swing of her purse knocking us off the edge with one last cry.

To our rescue, as we fly of the train, and just clutch onto Bullseye back, Woody in front of myself.

The 2 potato's peer of the edge, their faces dropping at the sight of us.

With a smirk to her tone Jessie (who's riding Bullseye) looks up at the criminal pair "I think you dropped something, mister!"

"Jessie?!" Bart comment with disbelief.

Looking over Jessie's shoulder, Woody shouts up at their pair "Give it up, Bart! You've reached the end of the line!"

Whipping out a remote of some sorts he motions to the old bridge the train is soon to cross "I always wanted to go out with a bang!"

We look over at it confused, what ever is there is too far away to see with the naked eye. Looking back at the spud he hits the button and the bridge instantly blows up.

"Oh, no!" Jessie cries

The train is growing closer to the now death pit quickly

"The orphans!" Woody panics clutching his hat, the orphans watch on through the windows at the scene of us at the end of the train.

"You sick bastards!" I direct at the pair, venom dripping from my voice.

The potato heads simply smile down at us "Hate to leave early, but our ride is here".

The 3 of us look behind at the sound of a car horn is heard in the distance and pink convertible skids into view.

A pink convertible, of course.

"Oooh" The 3 aliens driving it, they drive along next to the train at the 2 spuds jump in. "It's me or the kiddies, sheriff! Take your pick!"

And as fast at the car arrived, it sped off.

"Alright, we can do this.." I say watching the car leave, then hipping my head back around at the sound of Woody's voice.

"Ride like the wind, Bullseye!"

"Yah!" Jessie calls and we were off.

Rushing to the front of the train, the orphans watch as we pass each carriage.

Starting to climb up ready to jump, Woody comments "Hold him steady!" As he directs his body towards the opening in the train, outstretched hand for balance.

With a quick leap Woody dives into the locomotive. I hear a screech of metal before a "umph" of Woody's follows.

"Woody, hurry!" I cry out watching the scene quickly turn sour.

The train grows dangerously close to the edge of the destroyed tracks as the trains brakes are suddenly activated.

With a sudden hault, Bullseye stops along the ravine as we see the train tumble down to the depths below.

With helplessly with horror in my eyes the last thing I notice is Jessie's outstretched arms, as if she would be about to stop the trains plummet, before dropping my into the back of her shoulder with a sob.

TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Where stories live. Discover now