chapter 15: preparation

Start from the beginning

"Okay, what's going on... you guys are acting strange." I say with a face saying 'I ain't leaving this alone until you tell me'. Sighing they look amongst one another before looking back at me. It's making me worried how serious they all look... even Jake, and he doesn't take anything seriously... like at all.

"We all have something to tell you." Jake says in a nervous voice. 'Why would he be nervous?' Motioning for them to continue Neytiri opens his mouth to speak. "You see, everyone has a fated mate... but as Omaticaya we can sense it much faster then others and develop a bond more stronger... everyone has a mate and on rare occasions one can have more than one mate fated to them..." "Okay... and what does this have to do with me." I say getting impatient. Tsu'tey decides to take over. "What he mean is that you are our mate. All of our mate, i don't know how but you are fated to the three of us. We feel protective of you and a desire to you."

Speechless. That's what I am right now. I can't think of anything to say. They kept this from me, all this time, even Jake. Looking at them, I see the fear of rejection written on thier face. 'Is that why... we're they afraid I would reject them.'

I gave them I huge smile before launching into their arms which causes us to topple onto the floor. "Then I'm happy that I have you three boys as my mate." I say with my usual goofy smile and tone, which causes all of them to grin like a Cheshire cat... even Tsu'tey... surprisingly.

"Well, eventhough i want to continue this conversation we should probably get going. After all, we have a war to win." Nodding we get off the floor as I lead them out the door.

I was about to exit when I was pulled back by Jake. Turing around to ask him why I open my mouth but I was cut off when he kissed me. I eyes went wide with shock and my face redder than a strawberry. It was only for a seconds until he broke it and walked out, not before giving a smug look to the jealous natives who were glaring at Jake.

I shake my head chuckling before heading put with my fuming mates following. 'These boys... I really am lucky to have them as mates.' Regrouping with Jake, who was sticking his tongue out at Neytiri and Tsu'tey who were glaring at him, we head to the mother tree, where all the Omaticaya were gathered.

I turn to Tsu'tey, asking permission to talk to which he agrees. Stepping infront everyone's gaze turns to me as I talk in their mother tongue. "The sky people have sent a message that they can take what they want, and no one can stop them. But we will send them a message. Ride pit, as fast as the wind can carry you. Tell the other clans. Tell them that toruk macto calls them. Fly now with us brothers and sisters! Fly! And we will show the sky people that this is our land!"

I finnish with a blood curling war cry and the entire clans respond, their shouts echoing throughout the forest. Jake and run to our leonopteryx and vault onto them as the hunters run to their banshees, mounting quickly. Jake's leonopteryx rises after mine, slapping its mighty wings onto the night sky.

Clan gathering- night

Jake and I stand the gathered members of another clan. Jake speaks as I translate. We rode out to the four winds. To the horse clan, of the plain, to the ikran people of the mountains. When toruk macto called them, the all came.

Riders vault onto their armoured direhorse. Banshees riders rais their spears and bows, spurring their mount and leaps skywards.

Well of souls- dawn

With a whoop and the crack of mighty wings Jake and I return, we alight from our legendary mount. Around us hundreds of banshees are landing. A gathering of eagles. Direhorses riders are arriving on many trails. Banshee circle and swoop, darkening the sky from above. Hundreds of na'vi streaming down into the well of souls as well as a hundred more that are camped outside.

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