Start from the beginning

3RD PLACE:  GRAVESKIES BY cowardlydawg

Title : 10/10

Cover : 10/10

Description: 16/20

Grammar : 19/20

Characters : 20/20

Plot : 20/20

Final Score : 95/100 

The opening chapter really got my interest! However, I don't think there is enough description in the first two chapters as to what kind of object falls from the sky, or what are Deviants, or who is the God, or why there is a war... But the descriptions are detailed and yet easy to read without giving the feeling of info-dumping. The cover is beautiful, but I don't know what it represents... The grammar and the vocabulary are great! This story fits the Fantasy genre, the protagonist is a magical creature and the story revolves around magical creatures like her. In my opinion, this book heroine is the best I have ever had the pleasure to meet. This story really hooked me up! I will definitely continue reading!

HONORABLE MENTION: we have three!

Legends Of Tajin: Secret Of The Sword by scrabblepost

Title : 10/10 

Cover : 10/10 

Description: 16/20 

Grammar : 20/20 

Characters : 18/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final Score : 94/100 

The description was fine, but it didn't give enough information (to my taste) tocatch my eye. I loved the beginning where you put the pronunciations for difficult words, it was very helpful. The first chapter was intriguing, it really pulled me into the story. The vocabulary, descriptions and grammar were used in such a nice way : the story was very detailed and yet, still simple to read. That is a very hard thing to do, so good job author!The characters actions and thought are well described, which made the story even more interesting. Personally, I must admit that the idea of a 15 years old girl warrior was quite surprising at first, but I came around to like that! This is one of the best stories I have read, the fantastic side of it is beautiful.I will definitively continue reading :)

Five Sisters, Warriors Of Finella by Kathy_Marwin

Title : 10/10 

Cover : 10/10 

Description: 15/20 

Grammar : 19/20 

Characters : 20/20 

Plot : 20/20 

Final Score : 94/100 

This book gave me the impression of a real fantasy story, the cover is coveredin beautiful drawings... It perfectly fits the genre as there are fantastic creatures and use of magic. The opening chapter has magnificent descriptions of Finella and the characters. I think it's a great idea to put drawings all along the book to illustrate certain scenes, it really is quite a pleasant bonus!Lou is a fascinating young lady and her sense of adventure intrigues the reader. Personally, Zita is my favourite sister :) The grammar is fine, even though the sentences are sometimes too long for me. The plot is quite exciting and I can't wait to know what happens next! You're doing awesome work author, keep on doing it :D

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