spill the cheese whiz, siz

Start from the beginning

what? tell me more

nagi i'm outside your house unlock the door and tell me why we were wrong



oh no chigiri's knocking aggressively on the door 

should we stop him? 

chigiri let me join you rq 

no i believe we shouldn't stop him because


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 let us pause for a moment and reflect


nagi pov


that was definitely reo, chigiri was brainwashed by his parents and he believes they're embodiments of the devil. 



"i really think your use of that is concerning because other people may fall victim to you actually having cheese whiz, when in fact, the cheese whiz you have is something that one cannot consume." 

now, that was rin. he must have been deprived of cheese whiz to have spoken so much words in one go. 

"well your gossip-hungry asses can be fed with my cheese whiz." 

that was bachira.. again. 

i decided to log off genshin because it seemed like the entire group was just loudly talking outside. and not to mention rin was here for what? gossip, or cheese whiz? either way, nagi could stuff him with both. 

being those quiet gamer boys has led nagi to be unnoticed at some times, which had soon resulted to him knowing more than what the lord above has permitted him too. he believes he contains secrets that he'd carry to his grave, and well, if he wanted to, he could probably rise to be their school's gretchen wiener, queen bee type.

but he isn't. so that's that. 

he also isn't sure if people just ignore him on purpose or think he's too distracted with checking the new stocks in animal crossing, or whatever may lead to him knowing that type of information. he'd think they were doing it on purpose because he has noticeable white hair and turquoise eyes- and even if he was quiet, at some point, they'd acknowledge his presence right? 

with that, he opens his front door, chips, biscuits, and chocolates on a tray on his hand, and a pack of cheese whiz in the other, which he throws to rin. 

"come in, i'll feed you guys and your horrifying need to have gossip stuck up your ass."


"so himari was actually sexually assaulted by cho, and it was privately addressed, which explains why the latter no longer attends our school. but, after that encounter, himari seemed to have enjoyed it instead of being traumatized, so she asked takao, our treasurer, to do a sort of fake date with her, which takao had been uneasy about, but she agreed."

isagi, bachira, chigiri, reo, shidou, kunigami, and rin were all seated in nagi's living room. 

"what about sato?"

"man, who cares about sato, he's homophobic." 

"he is?!" 

"yeah, which is why until now, he hasn't been skeptical of his girlfriend and takao's suspicious touchy touchy, because his mind doesn't really accept that kind of stuff." 

reo raised his hand, "how come your gossip is so detailed, i thought gossip was like.. not that detailed." 

"that's because your gossip is based off of rumors, i experience this gossip that i spread." nagi replied, taking a spoonful of cheese whiz and stuffing it in his mouth. "you're all about getting your shit from people you'll only see in the janitor's closet once." 


"painful, but true." rin muttered. 

before anyone could speak further, nagi grabbed a pack of cheese whiz he found laying on the ground, (which he had assumed was done so by bachira, since rin looked like he hasn't finished sucking the life out of his pack. nagi also knew his parents would destroy him once they found out how many of those packs they consumed) and he sprayed it at everyone, causing them to all stand up while groaning. isagi had the most, which had unfortunately been sprayed all over his hair and clothes. 

(isagi also knew that his mom would kill him if he goes home like that. he decides he'll shower at bachira's since the latter's mom is working overtime today) 

overall, something you'd want to learn today is, 

everyone got scolded at some point after this event. 

i'm kidding, don't spread nasty rumors, kids. let nagi confirm them first before spreading them. oh wait- he's fictional, you can't. in that case, tell your close friends, then maybe let them do the spreading for you. or if you don't have close friends, then i'm so sorry. 

author's note: damn i'm sorry it took so long for an update as well as this chapter kind of not being the best..? i seriously tried, and at first i had an idea, but i realized it was just an idea that i couldn't exactly bring to life. i hope i did in some way though. 

not proofread (please tell me if i have any misconceptions or have said anything rude, the rumors are based on a true story though HAHA)

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