The Tale of Change that Doesn't Stop

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And at that, the ritual started. The body was cut, the witches started their chants and the sigils and runes were activated. The ritual itself wouldn't take longer than maybe ten minutes.

As the blood ran out of the human, Jungkook guided their soul to the afterlife before the body was dead. Thankfully it followed willingly and without much of a hassle. Then Tae started to bind Yoongi to the body.

Stitch by stitch by stitch of a magic thread they were bound and sewed together. The process was not hurtful for Yoongi but definitely far from nice. The translucent needle went into Yoongi's head to make the last stitch, tying the two separate entities together. The last thing Tae had to do was to pull. Pulling them closer together with all his might, letting them forcefully merge. Now the body had a blue hue around it, just like Yoongi's hue when he was at full power.

Hoseok stepped up and bit the body to inject his poison. There was enough lifeforce in the body to be changed but the heart stopped beating. So he immediately hovered over the chest and started chest compressions to get the blood moving and therefore spreading the poison.

This would be excruciating for the ghost. A vampire's poison was the deadliest and most harmful to any living organism. But they talked about it beforehand and Yoongi still said yes.

The runes smashed into the body Hoseok was still 'reviving', sigils burned the skin and were immediately healed, the stench of death was all around Hoseok and he knew he had to give his all now.

Ribs broke and were instantly healed, the sternum was broken over and over but finally it ended. It ended with an anticlimactic reduction of the hue as it seeped into the lifeless body underneath him. The blue and golden glow of the magical circle faded into nothingness and the air was dead silent.

Now they had to wait for the poison to penetrate every cell, killing it completely and awake as a turned, deformed cell. An undead cell, capable of so much worse.

Hoseok sniffed at the body, taking a note of the faint smell of his poison to check if he needed to continue to pump the heart but it was not needed. It was already everywhere.

Now they had to wait until Yoongi opened his eyes. It could take a bit. Anything from five minutes to 500 years, depending on the merge process and the will of Yoongi himself. The vampire just hoped his friend was alive and well and his soul was not crushed.

Tae watched in anticipation, needing to know if they had to deal with an angry vampire or a happy one. He knew if they lost Yoongi, even if it wasn't particularly their fault, that Hoseok would tear into them. The deal wasn't in place to protect them if they couldn't hold up their end. They'd be pretty screwed, so all Tae could do was cross his fingers and hope.
It was only mere minutes before Yoongi snapped his eyes open, jolting up into a sitting up position with a gasp. Even if vampires didn't really need air to breathe either being the undead creatures they were. His eyes darted around the room, looking at everyone then down at his hands. He wiggled his fingers a little, watching how they moved, how they were made of flesh and bone.

Jungkook exhaled finally. It was a big ass sigh. They made it! Technically Yoongi made it but damn, he and his brother were extremely relieved to see the dead body moving. He shot his brother a smile, which was tenderly returned. They would make it out alive!

Hoseok didn't pay any mind to the witches. They held up their part so would he. But for now Yoongi was more important. He knelt right beside him, not touching him. He knew newly born vampires could be overwhelmed with all the sensations but how was it for Yoongi, who lived hundreds of years as a ghost?

"Hey, you okay," he whispered. He didn't want to make some loud noise by any chance so as to not startle Yoongi. His gaze was trained on the new vampire, checking him for any sign of discomfort or being unwell. Too many things could go wrong even after the ritual was a success.

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