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"Class, we're now going to write two letters, one for each of your pen pals. Remember, open with a greeting, introduce yourself, ask a few questions about them, then close with a farewell and your name." Mrs. Kidd had said.

Now, young Tommy sits in his room, thinking of how to introduce himself through paper. Maybe my name is Thomas, but I go by Tommy? No, that doesn't sound pog. I'll just write whatever comes to mind. It's not like I'll ever even meet them, anyway.

Tommy wrote and rewrote for hours before he decided his letters would be good enough to send to two random people his age.

Hello Toby, is it ok if I just call you Tubbo? It sounds more pog. Anyway, my name it Thomas, but I go by Tommy. I like to play Minecraft and a little bit piano. I have 2 brothers and 1 dad. My mom died when I was born :(. It's ok though, I didn't really know her. Do you like Minecraft? What's your favorite animal? Goodbye!

Same thing for Mark, except the greeting is just "Hello Mark".

He thought it turned out pretty good, if he does say so himself.

They were checked by Mrs. Kidd the next day, then sent.

If you told him that these two letters would change his entire future, he'd call you crazy.

Sorry for the super short chapter, but I promise it should pick up soon! Also, all relationships, unless specifically said otherwise, are platonic.

Meet again... ?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat