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YOU NEVER WOULD OF THOUGHT in just a few more years after you had gotten back from Australia

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YOU NEVER WOULD OF THOUGHT in just a few more years after you had gotten back from Australia. That you would of been walking down the aisle in a gown. It felt like a dream when he proposed to you under that tree a year ago.

You couldn't believe the day was already here, your wedding day. Your nerves were through the roof. Your mother, Satsuki, and Sin were there for you during it all. "Calm down Y/N it's gonna be ok. Look over your vows." Sincere reminded you. You nodded and looked over what you had.

You reviewed them so many times your head hurt. You were sure they were engraved in your mind. Even though, if you had forgotten something you would improv.

On the other hand...

"I'm freaking out Kuroko! I'm freaking the hell out!" He was as scared as when dogs were around at this point. If your nerves were getting to you, Kagami's were killing him. His palms were sweaty and his face was red.

"Calm down dude. You'll be fine." He breathed in and out 5 times to calm himself down. "I'm so nervous." Kagami said as he sat down. "No shit." Kuroko peeped. "Hey! When you get married to Momoi I'll laugh if you're just like this."

"You know I'm known to have a clear head." Kuroko watched as they put on his suit jacket. "Shut up." They put his tie on and he was ready. "Come on man they can't wait for you forever." Kagami nodded, "yeah yeah I hear you."


Kagami was standing at the altar waiting for you. It felt like he was waiting hours and hours just for that door to open. He kept looking around and his eyes landed on Alex. He waved at her and she waved back. "You're so grown up Taiga," she mouthed. "Thank you for being here with me." He mouthed back and the music started.

The door opened and he smiled. He locked eyes with you and you smiled. The walk up to the altar felt like years for both you and him. You finally reached the altar and you stood face to face with him. He reached his hands up and removed your veil. He smiled at you again and whispered how beautiful you looked. Which you replied with, "Thank you kindly my soon to be husband."

He chuckled as the pastor started. "We gather here today, to show the commence of the marriage of Y/N L/N and Taiga Kagami. Today, they will be joined together as one. They will be joined together in holy matrimony." You stared at Kagami as he was looking at the preacher.

"Taiga, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you honor and cherish her; love, trust, and commit to her, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?" He looks at Kagami and he smiles. "I do."

"Y/n, do you..." he repeats. You smile you. "I do."

"At this time, Y/N and Taiga will exchange rings. The wedding ring is symbol of binding. A symbol of attachment and of belonging, not of possession, but of partnership. They will now exchange vows. Y/N you go first."

You turned to Kagami. "Taiga. It's been a crazy few years with you. We've been through so much over these years and we've overcame them all. Ever since I've been with you I've felt the best I've ever been. Even though we have our differences and our fights. We always come together with our similarities. I've never felt like this in such a long time. I love you so much Taiga Kagami and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Not as just my husband, but as my best friend and soulmate." He was tearing up and started his vows.

"Y/n. When you started being the manager for Seirin, I've loved you ever since. There was never a day that passed that I didn't think of you. You've been there for me anytime I needed it and I thank you for that. Ever since my dad died I never knew if I would ever stop mourning, but my dad said stick with that girl she's a keeper. I listened and look at us now. I never have seen myself with anyone for such a long time, but you've changed my mind. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The priest looks down at his Bible and starts to speak. "Any objections to the marriage of these two people, speak now or forever hold your peace." You two looked around and saw no hands. "You may now kiss the bride."

Kagami kisses you, you wrap your arms around his neck and he grabs your waist. This kids felt like it was going on forever. Time stopped during this small exchange of intimacy. He finally pulled away and everyone cheered. "I love you so much." He stared into your eyes and smile. "Not as much as I love you." He smiled and turned to everyone.

"Come on everyone let's go eat!" He screamed and you laughed as you guys went down. The food smelled so good. Everyone has having such a fun time and you were excited you and your husband, which you can legally call him now, were happy.

"This is the best day ever." You said to him as you watched everyone dance.

A/n - I'm so inconsistent with coming on this app 😹

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt