Who's Black, Who's White? - I Fell In Love With The Devil

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Thump. Thump. Thump. Clack.

" I'm here, Fluffy." A man with red hair and a strange white mask on his face.

He stepped into the room with a smile that looked so evil, but a hint of gentleness could still be seen. He looked at the center of the room, filled with luxurious pillows and thick books.

There laid a man with features so similar to his. It was Cale, Cale Henituse, the supreme commander that was supposed to be resting after a long battle.

" Mhn... Care to explain the letters, Barrow? Don't you know how disrespectful and curious my subordinates always are? We almost got caught!"

" I'm sorry, Fluffy. As compensation, I'll give you more cookies and roses?"

Shot guns and roses

Make a deadly potion

Cale turned his head away, refusing to face Barrow who was now hugging him from behind.

" Roses have thorns. I hate pain." Well, Cale does hate pain, but he can always endure it.
Barrow knows that fact too, but spoiling his lover comes first, especially when said lover is feeling unhappy. " Then I'll just cut the thorns before giving them to you."

" ...em."

Cale finally turned to face Barrow, but it was brief. He quickly turned away again to make himself a nest of pillows in Barrow's arms and got himself comfortable.

" Sigh.. I sent those letters to apologize for the pain I caused you during the battle. I didn't mean to cause you trouble."

But seriously, Cale was the best when it comes to dealing damage, no matter mentally or physically. Barrow could still remember that one time he witnessed Cale blasting a mountain to a flat, plain area—with a few dents here and there.
Barrow's heart raced as he recalled that lovely scene of Cale standing gracefully within the flames that had tainted his figure with gold.

Heartbreak explosions

In reckless motion

Teddy bears and "I'm sorry" letters

Don't seem to make things better

Don't bury me alive

Sweet talkin' alibi

" Cale~ it's been so long since we last have some fun!"

" No, Barrow. I ain't wearing that black mask again."

" But Cale~ don't you miss the chaos? You loved playing chess with me!"

" But I just got them as my fami—"

" Cale, I love you. Don't you see them using you? They looked worried everytime you caught blood, yes. But even then, they never let you rest! Emotional support is still support! You weren't resting when you first woke up only to have to comfort them! Then what? You had to go straight to war when there's that Crown Prince who could take the job if even a moment! His responsibility to protect! Not you! "

Barrow was right. Cale knew that, but he chose to ignore it to keep this family together. He wanted warmth from family and friends. He wanted to experience it after so long.

But thinking back, wasn't he taken advantage of all the time? Those excuses he made for them weren't enough now that Barrow pointed this unfit piece of his heart out.

But I can't stop the rush

Cale opened a hidden space right under his bed, specially commissioned to Harol's father, the deceased former magic tower master many years ago.

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