12 | Chandelier

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- Cafeteria - 

     Yuu, Deuce, and Ace are having a hard time getting Grim out of the big chandelier, "That cat," the black-haired man twitched his eyebrow, annoyed by his so-called familiar. "If we hit the chandelier, we're dead meat to the Headmaster!" Ace exclaimed, trying to avoid hitting the chandelier.

     "You're a cheat for climbing up that chandelier!" Deuce yelled at Grim, who stuck his tongue out. "The Professors haven't taught us about flying magic, so what should I do to get him?" He asked himself, then his sight went to Ace. He snapped his fingers as he thought of a plan, "Oh! That's it!"

     "What? Do you have a plan already?" Ace turned to look at Deuce. "What did you come—Wait! Why are you looking at me like that, Deuce?! Put your magical pen away from me!" He yelled, trying to dodge Deuce's spell. "I'm gonna throw you!" Deuce said, aiming Ace at the mocking Grim on the chandelier.

     "Hey! That'll make things worst!" Yuu exclaimed, fear lacing in his voice. "He's right! Stop joking around, you moron! Put me down! I'm serious, don't throw me!" Ace cried, trying to nullify Deuce's spell.

     Deuce checked his aim, "Make sure to grab him," he said to Ace as he threw him to Grim. Just as Ace grabbed Grim, the chandelier supporting the salmon-haired's weight started to lose its hold on the ceiling. All of them gasped in horror, seeing the clouds of dust and messy tables on the floor, "I can't believe you just did that!" Ace coughed, while Grim looks like he's gonna pass out.

     "I forgot, I should have summoned a soft landing for you guys..." Deuce scratched his cheek. Ace took Deuce's collar, "And that's what you're worried about right now?! You are an idiot! We might've got Grim, but we destroyed the chandelier. If the  Headmaster knows about this—"

     "And... What if I found out, Ace-kun?" The Headmaster entered the cafeteria, he looks angry and it made the three of them shriek in fear and surprise. "Oh, my. What happened here?" (Name) entered as well, he was holding window cleaners with a bucket of water. He waved at Yuu, "It seems you did something naughty, Yuu-san."

     "Charring a statue doesn't seem to be enough for you three, doesn't it?! Now you broke a chandelier!" Headmaster's voice boomed across the cafeteria, making them lower their head in guilt. "You've gone past my patience! All of you are expelled!"

     "(Name)-san, you have to help me!" Yuu begged, grabbing his uniform. (Name) placed a hand on Yuu's head, "I'm afraid I don't have the power to do so. This is the decision of the Headmaster, after all. Forgive your humble butler," he said. He did feel sympathetic toward the poor human, but using his powers to make the Headmaster change his mind seems inappropriate because he can't see much of the future ahead of them. (Yes, I'll be using appropriate pronouns to what form the MC is using, so it'll be clear for everyone)

     "Headmaster, anything but that! Please give me a second chance! I can't afford to get expelled from this school, I need to be here!" Deuce begged, kneeling in front of the Headmaster. The Headmaster crossed his arms, looking at the begging Spade, "You are to be blamed because of your reckless behavior."

     "I'll pay for the damages! I don't care how much it costs!" Deuce said, trying to bargain with the Headmaster. "That magical chandelier you destroyed is not like the other chandeliers you see in other places. Cast with a very powerful magician to be burning for eternity, made by the ancient engineers of this school. It's considered to be one of their finest creations since it's been here ever since the school was built. It's more than a billion madol, yet here you are trying to repay it?"

     "A billion madol?!" Deuce choked, surprised to say the least. "But surely, Headmaster, you're a powerful magician. Can't you just fix it with magic?" Ace suggested, not wanting to be expelled because of some destroyed chandelier.

     "Magic isn't that powerful to recover this chandelier. Looking closely, the magic crystal is severely damaged and it's way beyond pair because it's the core of any type of object possessed by magic," Crowley told them. "This magical crystal isn't replaceable with a simple crystal from shops, meaning it'll never burn again."

     "This is bad..." Ace murmured. "What am I going to do?! How am I going to call my mother?" Deuce was in a frantic state.

     (Name) summoned a book in front of Crowley, "It'll be wise to give them a second chance and they seem to be willing to do what you want them to do to avoid getting expelled. Consider this as an offer to repair the chandelier, Headmaster," he whispered. Crowley read the page of the book (Name) made him read, "I see, thank you, Barbatos. There's a way to repair the chandelier."

     (Name) gave Yuu a wink, "Really?!" Ace and Deuce asked at the same time, hope was heard in their tone. "The magical crystals that created the chandelier are found in a mine called Dwarves' mine. If you manage to get the same properties as the ones here, I can give you another chance." Crowley told them.

     "Then, I'll go find a magical crystal to repair the chandelier, Headmaster! Do permit me to go, sir!" Deuce stood straight, ready to risk his life just to avoid getting expelled. "I admire your persistence, however, I must warn you that the mine is abandoned for several centuries, yet I can assure you that magical crystals still exist in there," Crowley added. 

     "I'll do anything to prevent myself from getting expelled, sir!" Deuce said, still won't give up on the opportunity given to him. "That makes everything clear then. I shall halt your expelling papers, but if you didn't bring any magical crystals before dusk, it's expected all of you are expelled."

     "We understand, sir! Thank you for your consideration!" Deuce felt he can breathe deeply again, holding his head up high. Ace seems tired, but glad he won't be expelled, "Fine, let's go, Deuce and Yuu. Yuu, don't lose sight of that cat if he ever escapes again. We just need to go to the mine, find a magical crystal, and we're finished."

     "You should be able to get to the Dwarves' mine using the Dark Mirror to save time," the Headmaster suggested, "(Name), we must leave them now. We have other business to do." (Name) patted Yuu's shoulder, "Just call my name, I'll be there if you're in grave danger, Yuu-san." He said as he followed the Headmaster.



(✔︎) Personal Butler | 𝙏𝙒𝙄𝙎𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝙒𝙊𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙇𝘼𝙉𝘿Where stories live. Discover now