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IMAGINE WHAT A HANGOVER FEELS LIKE. Now, times that by fifty. Now, imagine the pain of ten concussions combined. Now think about repeatedly bashing your head against a table. If you mushed those feelings all together, and added a deafening ringing tone in your ears, you might come a little bit close to how Violetta Petrova felt when she stirred awake from what should've been her death.

"Morning, Kid," A voice said from across the room. Violet blinked a couple times before adjusting to the blinding white lights above her head. She slightly tilted her head to get a look at who spoke, and it was none other than Dr. Bruce Banner.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing but a dry, scratchy rasp escaped. Bruce came over and put an extra pillow below her head to elevate it before holding a glass of water to her lips.

"Thank you," Violet's ghost of a Russian accent shone through her raspy voice. "How the fuck am I not dead?"

"If I had an answer, I'd tell you," Bruce replied with a small, breathy chuckle. "You've been in a coma for about three weeks, though. Apart from that, nothing major. You should be back to training in about a month or two."

"A month?" Violet groaned.

"Hey, at least you're alive," Bruce enlightened. "Now, I'm sure everyone would like to know you're awake." He pressed some buttons on his tablet and soon enough, all of the Avengers were crammed into the small infirmary room, shoving to get to the injured girl.

"We missed you, Red," Said Tony.

"Welcome back, Kiddo," Cap added with a smile.

"Don't scare me like that ever again, you little shit," Nat reprimanded, holding back a smile of relief.

✦ ✦ ✦

A couple hours had passed of catching up with everything that had happened while she was asleep and Violet was finally allowed to leave her bed. Considering the extremity of the explosion, Violet was surprised to see that she still had all of her limbs fully intact. She was in a medical boot and a sling, but Bruce said they could come off in a week or so. Even then, Violet was strictly instructed no training or missions for at least a month, and Bruce made sure all of the other Avengers knew so they could keep an eye on her.

The brunette limped her way through the Avenger's tower, feeling as though so much had changed in such a short amount of time, when really, nothing had at all. The familiar, grey and white walls were exactly the same as they'd always been, as were the floors and the paintings and all of the bits in between. It was all the same, but something had changed.

Perhaps Violet had changed.

She made her way to her room, the exact same one Tony had generously given her all that time ago, and it was exactly the same as how she had left it. Well, with the exception of four things;

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