Harper Alina Riddle (redone)

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𝒞𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓃 𝒢𝓇𝒶𝓎

Harper Alina Riddle-


Short, Reddish brown hair that shines more red under the sun. Dark brown eyes with flecks of green near the pupil.
Round face, chubby cheeks, round nose, freckles dotted all over her body.

Harper is plus sized, she slims down slightly throughout the years and muscle replaced most of her fat on her arms and thighs. Though she's just a bit smaller, and slightly taller as she gets older. Her tummy rolls normally hidden under an oversized hoodie, her hip dips hidden. Her thighs are quite large, and quite strong.


Insecure, afraid to step on someone's toes, a people pleaser in her teenage years.
Shy at first, though as she gets comfortable around you she'll get a bit louder, more carefree.
Terrible anger issues, stubborn as a mule, doesn't know when to back down.


Mother- Heather Riddle. (Alive)
Aunt- Anna Havana. (Alive.)
Father- Jack Riddle. (Alive.)
All deceased.
Older Brother-Lorrie Riddle. (Alive.)
Younger Cousin- Eloise Riddle. (Alive.)
Foster Father-
Henry Alister(alive.)
Step-brothers- (all alive) (from oldest to youngest.)
Alex Alister.
Harold "Harry" Alister,
Jamie Alister.

"It could be raining dogs and I'd still get a donkey." -Harper Riddle.

Relationship with family-
Harper was disowned when she was six, tossed into an orphanage, through the next five years she got tossed around from state to state, all the way to South Caroline. Henry found her beat up, sobbing in an alleyway. He adopted her barely even three hours later. It took Harper time, to remember what a good family was like hit afterwards, Henry truly felt like he was family to Harper, and Henry thought of her as the daughter he never got to have.

With her step-brothers, Harper got along great. Harper is ten years younger then the oldest,Alex, being just a little girl when she first met the three, they didn't quite like her when first meeting her but after a year went by they slowly started becoming more and more protective of her. Making sure that she knew how to keep herself safe.

Alex was the one to teach her how to defend herself with her fists when someone went after her and they weren't around.

Harry taught her how to defend herself with words, how to mess with people's heads and talk her way out do things.

And Jamie taught her how to use a gun to scare off anyone who tried to go after her, something she was incredibly grateful for.

Lorcan is Harper's older brother by five years, joined the Navy as soon as he was old enough.
Once he learned where Harper was, he tried to reconnect with her, though was stopped time and time again by her foster father.

Eloise is seven years younger then Harper, slapped Harper the first time they met, and the two barely ever speak. Avoiding each other like the plague but throughout the years their relationship does improve.

Jack cried tears of joy when he managed to contact his child. It took a long time, but they worked out their issues, and Jake had left his farm in his her possession when he passes. He's definitely the man who would be wrapped around his daughter's finger.

Harper had a great relationship with her mother before her mother got sick with cancer, due to not thinking her mother would make it and her aunt constantly tormenting her, her father ignoring her and her brother as he grieved, Harper ran away, not knowing that her mother recovered in the following years. When Harper and Heather finally met again, they got along great, a bit awkward at first though.

Harper and her aunt Anna do not get along and probably never will. When her mother became sick, her sister came over to take care of her children, while she praised Lorrie, who always went with Jack places, she tormented Harper, who was forced to stay home, mainly for the reason that she was too young.
Anna destroyed Harper's view of herself, her mental health, and because of her, Harper and Jack no longer got along, another reason Harper ran away. Once Harper was finally an adult, she no longer let Anna walk over her and pushed back, and Anna eventually left her alone.


She's practically blind, terrible, terrible vision. Everything become blurry when it's about seven inches in front of her and it only gets worse then further it is away. So, she has a pair of silver, round shaped glasses. Which earned her the nickname Potter from Lorrie when he found out about it.

She's a lover of romance,
She enjoys a good, clean love story, watches hallmark but will stop for awhile because it can be so predictable but will begin watching again after a while.

Has a pet German Shepard named Hades.

Big fan of most Greek and Roman mythology.

Loves Dragons.

A potter head.

And a Percy Jackson fan.
Her favorite character is Luke Castellan.

Terrified of Geese.

A cuddle bug if she's comfortable around you. Whether you're a friend, family, or someone she likes in a slight romantic sense, she'll rest her head on you and doze off, curled up at your side.

Though if she has massive feelings for you, she will not dare to cuddle, she feels too awkward and is scared o ruining something. But once she's finally accepted her feelings, she'll eventually cuddle with you again, just a bit tense though.

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