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...two people an be seen sleeping in a bed together, one of them was a woman with dark green hair and the other was a man with messy black hair, both of them wearing them pajamas respectively  as the two began to stir up upon hearing the faint sound of machinery from a distance

"what was that honey" the woman mumbled out in a sleepy tone

"I don't know" the man mumble out  next to her

"come on, maybe Izuku's having a nightmare again" the woman said as she got up from her bed while rubbing the sleep off her eyes

"fine" the man grumbled as he reluctantly got out of bed with a yawn as both couple grab their bathrobes to keep themselves warm in the cold night

. . . 

the two couple walked down the stairs until they arrived at a small child's room full of machinery and inventions that no child could do. . . well unless you're a genius

"Izuku, honey?" the woman asked as she looked around the room seeing her four year old son was nowhere to be found

'I think I know where he is" the man said with an amuse smile on his face as he notice that their workshop lights where on

. . . 

the couple walked into their workshop as they notice a small four year old child wearing an All might onesie the was standing on a chair and  hunch on the table busy tinkering on the device in his hands that he didn't even notice his parent's entering the room

"hey champ, what are you doing?" Hasashi asked with an amuse smile on his face as the small boy jumped slightly with his eyes wide like a deer caught in a headlights 

"hi mommy, hi daddy" the small child said with a sheepish smile on his face

"what are you doing here young man"  Inko lightly chided her son giving him her infamous motherly glare with her hands on her hips "it's past your bedtime already"

"I'm sorry mommy" the small boy said as he's bottom lip trembled as the woman's eyes instantly softened

"oh! I can't stay mad at you my baby"  Inko said as she went forwards and grab her four year old son in a bone crushing hug "you're just so cute!!" the woman gush much to her husbands amusement and her son's annoyance

"mommy!! I can't breath!!" Izuku breath out with his face turning blue from his mother's bone crushing hug

"honey your crushing our son"  Hasashi said in amusement as the woman pouted before she reluctantly let go of her son much to his relief

"hey champ what were you doing out of your bed?" Hasashi asked while ruffling his son's messy green hair "me and you mother tucked you five hours ago" Hasashi said as Izuku rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment

"I couldn't sleep" the young boy said sheepishly

"well it's two in the morning young man" Inko chided her son once again "and no four year old should be awake in two in the morning, so come on it's bedtime let go" Inko said as she ushered the small boy out f her and her husbands lab

"but I don't wanna sleep" the young boy whined with a small pout at his adorable face

"no buts young man" Inko said as she hoisted him up her hip and began kissing him all over his face making the small boy giggle uncontrollably

"mommy stop it tickles" the small by laughed uncontrollably at his mother's kisses

"come on" Hasashi said kissing his wife's cheek and ruffling his son's hair once again "let's get you t bed" he said as the family walked towards their son's bedroom once again 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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