Banana Pancakes

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The next day, Ava's perspective

I woke up to find that I had rolled off my bed in my sleep, with my face pressed against the floor. I grumbled as I pulled myself up off the ground.

First night, and I'm already a restless sleeper.

I staggered to bathroom to freshen up then headed downstairs to find something to eat. My cabinets were empty.

Great. Now what am I supposed to do? Maybe I could ask Lydia.

I walked out of the house to find Lydia when I spotted a cafeteria. Lydia was at one of the tables with her friends.


I walked towards the tables and Lydia spotted me. I approached their table.

"Hello, Lydia," I said, then I regarded the others. "Pink one, blue one."

"Ava, this is Kitty," Lydia said, pointing at the pink one, then pointing at the blue one, "and Tuesday."

"It's actually kinda cool how perfect she looks," Tuesday said. "Just about on par with Lou."

"The rude one?" I asked.

"Rude?" Kitty scoffed.

"Kitty, please!" Lydia snapped. "She hasn't met him yet!"

Kitty kept quiet, but she still looked mad. Lydia gestured to the seat beside her and I sat there.

"So Ava, what job description did you get?" Lydia asked.

"Arist/musician/actor/model I think," I said. "Where's the food?"

Lydia had a plate with some pancakes and apple slices. She passed some over to me.

"Arist?" Kitty asked. "So, what? Do you work with paint or something?"

"Paint is messy!" Tuesday said.

"She probably might work with pencils or something like that," Lydia said before turning to me and asking, "right Ava?"

I nibbled on an apple slice while shrugging.

"I never thought about it," I mumbled.

"What about musician?" Kitty asked. "What musical instruments do you play?"

I thought for a moment before saying, "Guitar."

"Maybe you could perform for events!" Kitty said. "If Lou will let you."

"Describe him for me," I said, chewing on a piece of pancake. "It seems his stage persona is different from his real self."

"Well, he isn't insulting people, per se," Lydia said. "It's called 'constructive criticism'. He wants the kids of the Big World to have the best-quality dolls for them to love."

"He seems passionate about his job," I said, scarfing down some more pancake pieces. "Maybe even honorably so."

"He is!" Kitty said. "And he loves singing!"

"And he may or may not love me!" Tuesday said.

Kitty and Lydia both face-palmed themselves.

"He is not into you!" Kitty groaned.

"When will you give it up, doll?" Lydia asked in annoyance.

Tuesday's attention turned to something. A big grin spread across her face.

"Speak of the devil," she said.

We all turned to what Tuesday was looking at. It was Lou, looking over the tables. Was he looking for something?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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