Chapter nine: Manifestation

Start from the beginning

Lexi takes the pill container. "You think I'm stupid?" she remarks.

Lexi walks in the room where Thuja is trying to squirm out of the straps on the examination table. Lexi can see the Neighbors beat him up. "Not a quitter, I see nor am I," says Lexi. She grabs cotton swabs and and rubbing alcohol out of the cabinets.

"What are you going to do with me?"  Thuja panics, hyperventilating.

"Relax, it'll be quick and harmless," she says with one of her evil smirks.

A scientist comes in with a mask and gloves with an injection in her hand. She rubs the alcohol on Thuja's skin with a swab then injects the calming medicine. "He should calm down in a few minutes," the scientist tells Lexi as she walks out.

Thuja pants as he starts to slow down his squirming. "You're getting tired. Here, let me help you," Lexi says. She has one of the pills in her hand then helps swallow it.

Thuja starts grumbling and growling, his veins look like they're about to pop out, his muscles triple in size, his skin becomes yellow. He breaks through the straps. He roars at Lexi she transforms into a wolf. Before he could attack her Lexi pins him on the ground with her mouth, snarling. Thuja grumbles, Lexi bashes his head on the wall and he grumbles again. He wipes the blood pouring down his face then Lexi bashes his head again and again so she was sure that he was knocked out. The Neighbors carry him out. Scientists come in with worried faces. One of them quickly dial a number on a phone in the room, but Lexi looks at them and roars. She pounces on the scientist and begins eating the flesh.

Lexi transforms back into a human Jax gasps in fear as they look at Lexi and runs away. "Jax!" she yells, running after them. Jax looks at Lexi with the same fear sparkling in their eyes they had when their dad died, but just standing in the road looking at Lexi like a deer that's not the sharpest tool in the shed. A truck comes in flying down the road, Lexi dives in the road and grabs Jax. "Are you crazy? You could've been hit," Lexi yells, she grabs Jax's arm, but Jax pushes her off.

"You have been one of them and have been lying all this time!?" Jax asks.

"Look, I'm sorry. I was going to tell you. The truth is, I'm also half demon, one of the rarest species and the only of my kind, I was made in a laboratory. I kill just for the hell of I was made to be how I am. Also, the reason why I have been avoiding to show around my hometown is the police is very close to catching me," Lexi says. "No more secrets, I promise."

Jax just keeps walking Lexi groans."Wow, you're just ignoring me now?" Lexi comments in annoyance.

"Clearly, you have a lot of issues to deal with and I just get a f###### up life with f###### up parents. Violent criminal parents who are both addicted to a drug that isn't that beneficial. I guess it's just my luck," Jax replies. "Also, if you're technically a werewolf, would still you be living here?"

"I'm willing to betray my own royal family to have a criminal underground," Lexi tells them.
Oh, you definitely got it. The Neighbors already do everything you tell them to do, and obviously, they think I'm a "burden child"." Jax says as they do quotation marks with their fingers. They stop at a lake and get in where Lexi says, "I don't think you're a burden, Jax. We all have our own trauma, weaknesses, and flaws, but that doesn't mean we're not human or...whatever, like a werewolf, vampire, demon, shape shifter. The key to your weaknesses and flaws is channeling them until they turn into something you manifest,"

Lexi dips her entire body in, rinsing any blood and cleaning more battle wounds. She emerges out of the water, slicking back her hair.

"So, you manifested yours?" Jax asks. "I'm not sure if mine will ever get manifested though."

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