Chapter 1: People Are Sus

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A/N: Heyy! This is the first re-written version of Always. Remember, tags (may) have been shifted according to the (hopefully) better and more sensible plot line.

Before you read: Please check out the tags, and if you find any spelling, grammatical, or plot errors, please do let me know, and I'll fix them as soon as I can.

One last thing before you continue! [ '#' is sample text]

Bold: Parseltongue
Italics: Newspapers/Letters/Inheritance Tests
,,####": Howlers

Harry stared in horror and shock as a giant man banged his fist on the door, promptly knocking it off its hinges, and entered. He then picked the door up and put it back in the doorway. He then turned to a crying and whimpering Dudley.

"Harry! You've, er, grown a lot since I've last seen yer!" He said, and Dudley wailed, waddling to his mother and father. Vernon had a gun aimed at the man, and tried to threaten said man, who promptly broke the gun. Harry watched in silence.

Pushing down his fear, he took a deep breath. "He isn't Harry, sir. I am." He said. The man seemed quite delighted and excited, and smiled. "Harry! Good ter see you! Rubeus Hagrid, gatekeeper of Hogwarts. 'Course, you'd know all about it!" He said. Harry, who didn't know what 'Hogwarts' was, voiced his confusion, thinking nothing could possibly go wrong.

Only, that seemed to anger Hagrid, who promptly turned to the Dursleys. "So yer telling me, that you didn't tell him?!" He roared, causing Vernon and Petunia obvious fear and stress. Dudley began wailing, once again. Petunia looked coldly at Hagrid, then turned back to her son, comforting him. Vernon glared at Hagrid.

Hagrid took a deep breath, reached into his pocket, pulled out a letter, and handed it to Harry. Harry skimmed through it, still not understanding. Hagrid sighed, and launched into an explanation. Harry nodded, now understanding a lot about himself, and glad he wasn't any of the horrible things the Dursleys said to him over the years. Vernon's glare intensified.

"N-Now! Wait just a minute! We will not be sending him to that freaky school. I will not have him learning some freaky tricks from an old crackpot. N-Now leave our home immediately!" Hagrid looked outraged. When Hagrid didn't leave, Petunia added fuel to the fire. "Didn't you hear him? Leave! We did so well keeping all of that from him till you came along!"

Harry just looked at her. "You knew." He said, voice dangerously calm. "Why, of course we knew! Those freaks sent us a letter with you when my freaky sister got herself blown up with Potter!" Petunia spat. "Blown up?! You told me my parents died in a car crash!" 

Now, Hagrid was livid. "A car crash?! Kill Lily and James Potter?!" He barked. Harry glared at his aunt and uncle. 

From there, it escalated very quickly. Hagrid was livid about the Dursleys insulting some 'Albus Dumbledore', and Harry found out he was famous, and more about his parents' death, and Harry was disgusted. How dare the Dursleys hide so much from him... 

"Hagrid, it was nice meeting you, but I think we should continue this tomorrow. It's getting pretty late.." Harry said, not wanting to hear anymore. Hagrid agreed, and said that he'd take Harry school shopping the next day. Then, he promptly left. Harry gave one final glare to the Dursleys, and then settled into the attic no one noticed was there. 

He was appalled. His relatives were disgusting, and if he didn't hate them before, he most certainly did now.

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