Mystique Eliotte Jones

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Name: Mystique Eliotte Jones
Nickname: Mysti, Elli, Lio
Age: 18
Species: Unknown
Occupation: Healer/Singer/Instrumentalist
Personality: Mysterious, quiet, gentle, kind, likes to be alone, dedicated, head strong, brave
- Healing
- Strong Unknown Power (which she cannot control)
- Melodic Voice
- Can play 8 different instruments
* piano
* guitar
* violin
* flute
* cello
* drums
* harp
* organ
Appearance: A tall, beautiful girl with shining blue eyes, fair skin, full lips and silky black hair. Has a blue flower placed on her head and has a 'just right' body figure.
Status: Single
- her favorite instrument is the piano
- her favorite band is 'Paramore'
- loves to stay in her recording studio all day if not, you can find her in the park
- she learned medical school
- she's an only child

"..So I lay my head back down~.."

You hear a beautiful voice singing as you walk through the park. It entranced you, so you follow it.

"And I lift my hands and pray~.."

You see a pretty lady singing, sitting in one of the benches, her shining bright blue orbs staring at the sky.

"..To be only yours I pray~.."

You sit on the bench, a few inches away from her as she continued.

"To be only yours I know now.. You're my only hope~.."

She finished singing the song and sighed, not aware of your presence, not that you didn't mind. Hearing her voice singing there is enough for you. She opens her mouth and sings another song. And you sit there, listening, a satisfied smile on your face.

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