chapter 11: dream hunt

Start from the beginning

I look from Eytukan to Mo'at, Tsu'tey then the elders. 'How can I tell them what I have seen?' Mo'at puts her splayed fingers against my face, seemingly to peer into my troubled soul. "Something has come. It will take time for the meaning to be clear." She steps back as Eytukan motions for me to stand as I do so weakly.

As Jake gets his done Tsu'tey walks to me and turns my head away as Neytiri holds my hand to turn me away from the horrifying sight, knowing that it would hurt me to see Jake in so much agony. Both doing so whilst going unnoticed by the other people.

Soon enough Jake awakes woth the same spooked look I did. 'Is it possible that Jake also saw his spirit animal as the leonopteryx?'

Outside the enclosure Eytukan emerges with me, Jake and the others. The entire clan is gathered, waiting to hear what has happened. Jake and I look up at the leonopteryx skull totem, which seem to stare down down us. Me and Jake have not have the time to discuss what we saw so it will have to wait until we are alone.

Grace watches us with her eyes brimming with emotions of proud, relief and amazement. Eytukan places his hands on both Jake and I's chest whilst holding them their he says. "You both are now the son and daughter of the Omaticaya. You are part of the people." Happiness and proudness is all I can feel. 'We are doing what you dreamed of... I hope your proud of us... tommy...'

All the members of the clan press forward, crowding around and putting.g their hands on Jake and I's shoulders, back, chest, hands upon hands until we are connected to everyone.

Later at night I decide to head back to my human body alongside Grace as Jake says he needs to talk to someone before he goes back. "Well hurry up, I need to talk to you... its something important." I say racing to give him a hug before heading out to find a safe place in the wilderness to rest my avatar body as Grace heads to... I think the link facility.

3rd pov

As Nova went Jake meets up with both Tsu'tey and Neytiri to discuss some matters... involving Nova. "I'm here, now you two have alot of explaining to do" Jake says with a clear motive as he wanted answers to why the two na'vi were getting so close to his wo- cough cough- I mean Nova. The trio mindlessly walk to speak more privately.

Their was a defining silence until Tsu'tey broke it. "The Omaticaya all have fated mate. Two and or more in rare cases are tethered to eachother. Sky people refer to it as a lover. I suppose everyone has it but our people can sense it much easier." "So what does this have to do with Nova."

This is were Neytiri starts to get impatient. "What he means it that Nova is my mate. And sadly she is to both of you. For some reason we three souls are connected to one, that being Nova. We all have a desire to her and a primordial feeling of protection to her. And the feeling to complet the bond with her."

Shocked by what he has discovered, Jake somehow understood what they ment. He has always had a connection to Nova and that when he made a link with his avatar body, it has only become stronger. But he is still a little jealous that he has to share Nova. "Okay, I don't like the fact that I have to share-" Tsu'tey interrupts with a sour expression as Neytiri has the same on her face but keeps her mouth shut. "-neither do i"

"Anyway, what do you mean complet the bond with her?" "What Neytiri means is that to complete the mating bond you have to join your queues together and make the neural bond. From what I heard it is the best experience one could ever feel. It means that the na'vi will only have that one mate and cannot be done with anyone else. We'll except for our case."

Wanting to ask more questions but was shush by Neytiri. Following his line of sight they see a peacefully sleeping Nova, curled up like a baby. Their wondering somehow led them to their mate. They all couldn't help but smile at the sight of their mate in a tranquil state. Mentally agreeing to continue the conversation later the three enfold their arms around her in a sheltering formation. Tsu'tey on top, Jake on the left and Neytiri on the right. All cuddling with Nova without getting in eachothers way.

Nova's pov

Waking up in my real body I was surrounded by darkness until I opened up my coffin to see Grace already out of hers and helping me up and out.

My body is week from the lack of care it would usually recive. I'm so focused on my avatar body that I don't pay attention to my real one. Grace heads out to smoke some cigarettes as I wait for Jake to return, staring at his coffin- cough cough- link in fatigue.

Around ten minutes later I see Jake's lid pop open, indicating that he has returned. I walk up next to him giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek like I would usually do. And I'm pretty sure we already know what Jake's reaction is.

After Jake recovered from his blushing episode he questions me about what we needed to talk about. And I answer... in a blunt way. "What spirit animal did you see cause I saw the great leonopteryx." I could tell Jake was stunned by the information I had revealed. "I-i-i saw the leonopteryx too. What could this mean."

"I don't know. From what Neytiri has told us only five people have been selected to have the leonopteryx as a spirit animal since the first song. And now, somehow, it has chosen the two of us. I mean we're not even born Omaticaya and yet it chose us... well let not think about it too much and go to bed. After all, Mo'at said that all will be revealed sooner or later."

I say that with conviction and reassurance before giving Jake a big, long hug to which he reciprocated. We stayed like that for a while, comfortable until we broke apart. Then helping him onto his chair before heading off to bed.

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