Chapter 2 : Burning.

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Kaeya got to work early, just to get his mind off things. Only a few people were there. It was still pretty dark since it was winter.

Kaeya decided to wait outside of the department. He wasn't in the mood to socialize with anyone right now.

He took out a cigarette and lit it, the lighter warming his hands up.

He blew out softly.

He suddenly heard the door open, making his body tense up and his head jerk to the door.

It was the chief. Ayato.

"What are you doing here Kaeya? Work doesn't start for another hour." Ayato's eyes traveled to the cigarette.

Kaeya didn't answer, instead he just looked down.

"You're smoking again huh? What happened this time?" Ayato smirked and leaned on the wall next to Kaeya.

"Nothing. I've just been feeling a little shitty." Kaeya put the cigarette in his mouth again.

"I won't ask anymore about it if you give me one." Ayato put out his hand. Kaeya looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

He took the cigarette out of his mouth, "I didn't know you smoked," Kaeya said as he took one out and placed it in the palm of Ayato's hand.

"I usually don't." Ayato sighed and repositioned the cigarette. Kaeya then lit it with the lighter for him.

Ayato took a hit then smiled up at the dark sky. "My sister would kill me if she saw me doing this." He laughed softly.

"You have a sister?" Kaeya now realized that he barely asked about Ayato's personal life.

"Yeah. She doesn't live anywhere close though." Ayato looked at Kaeya, eyes soft.

"Is she dead?" Kaeya asked.

"Oh, god no!" Ayato laughed, "We just don't talk as much as we used to, that's all."

"Oh, sorry." Kaeya couldn't help but laugh at his own foolishness.

Xiao walked through the streets of L.A, determined to find his victim.

My first mission...I can do this! Zhongli prepared me for this...I just need to find—
Xiao paused.

"I can't believe you thought my sister was dead," Ayato couldn't stop laughing.

"I just thought you were hinting at it!" Kaeya laughed with him.

"KAEYA?!" Xiao yelled, grabbing the attention of almost everyone on the street.

Xiao looked around then realized what he had just done.

Kaeya looked at him confused, Ayato as well.

"I'm sure he's talking about a different Kaeya..." Ayato whispered. Kaeya wished that were true, but Xiao was staring directly at him.

Xiao took a step back, then another. Then he ran full speed in the opposite direction.

Ayato blinked to Kaeya.

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