Chapter 3

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---continuation from Chapter 2---

Tony POV

Tali runs downstairs and jumps on the sofa next to me shouting "Aba, Aba, Aba! Can we play a game?"

"Sure my little ninja" I said "What game do you want to play?".

"She wants to play a new guessing game" Zi said.

"That's exciting!" I replied.

Zi left to get the game set up and came back with a tray that had lots of different items on it.

"Now, mon petit-pois. You need to guess what connects all of these objects. There is a common theme here. After that you need to guess what the next thing is." Ziva says whilst setting the tray down.

I thought it sounded easy but I was dead wrong. I knew what connected all the objects... I just had no idea what the next thing was.

In front of me was the tray and numerous objects including our work badges, a blue toy moped, the Eiffel Tower keyring from my keys, a map of Cairo that she circled, Zi's necklace, a toy plane and Zi had written 'At lo levad' on a post-it note beside my favourite picture of her. She had also laid out the picture of the 3 of us at our wedding.

"Aha! I know what it is

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Aha! I know what it is." I said "The common theme is all of us. The Dinozzo clan!" I said proudly. "But I have no idea what the next thing is. Our wedding rings?" I said confused.

Tali and Ziva had a huge grin on their faces before Tali said "Nope, do you want another guess Aba? Or do you give up?"

"Nope Tali, I don't want to give up. A Dinozzo never quits until they solve the case! Is it... a photo of the team? They are our family too?

"No-oo, Aba." Tali said as if the answer was right in front of me.

"Ok my little ninja, what is it then?"

"A secret." She giggled.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3, the next chapter is the finale and you will finally find out what the announcement is.

- E ❤❤❤

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