⛰️An Encanto's New Morning⛰️

Depuis le début

Mirabel: Drawers!

Y/n: Let's go!

Once Mirabel got upstairs she started dancing while knocking a rhythm onto Abuela, Tia Pepa's, Juileta's, Camilo's, Dolores's doors as she sang out.

Mirabel: This is our home, We've got every generation

Y/n: So full of music, A rhythm of its own design!

Mirabel: This is my family, A perfect constellation, So many stars and everybody gets to shine

All throughout the casita Mirabel knocked rhythmically onto each door before she woke up Isabela whom wakes up without a single flaw as Mirabel ran over towards Luis whom was running against the moving titles of their home while holding Y/n in one arm, and his weights in the other.

Mirabel: Whoa!

Y/n: But let's be clear, Alma, and my Abuelo runs this show, whoa! They both led us here so many years ago, whoa!

Mirabel: And every year our family's blessings grow
There's just a lot you've simply got to know, so...

Soon the whole famalia walked out of their rooms dancing before heading to the kitchen as Casita poured cups of coffee for the oldest Madrigal's, and L/n's to top off their breakfast made by Julieta and M/n. Y/n walked out the Casita with Luis as Mirabel sang out again after a filling breakfast.

Mirabel: Welcome to the Family Madrigal,The home of the Family Madrigal

Y/n: (They're on their way!)

Mirabel: Where all the people are fantastical and magical, I'm part of the Family Madrigal

The whole family of Madrigal, and L/n walked out of their home with the heads of their families and ahead to serve their community and it's people the only way that they knew.

Children: Oh my gosh, it's them!
What are the gifts? (I can't remember all the gifts!)
But I don't know who is who!)

Mirabel: Alright, alright, relax!

Girl 1: It is physically impossible to relax!

Girl 2: Tell us everything! What are your powers?

Boy: Just tell us what everyone can do!

Mirabel: And that's why coffee's for grown-ups!

Mirabel took the coffee mug from the boy to guide the town's children to the beautifully painted mural of the Madrigal Family to sing out dancing.

Mirabel: My tía Pepa
Her mood affects the weather
When she's unhappy
Well, the temperature gets weird
My tío Bruno...

Townspeople: We don't talk about Bruno!

Y/n glared at the town's people angrily making them all look away from the young woman as she went into the L/n family shop while Luis sighed softly watching after her as she walked off

Mirabel: They say he saw the future, one day he disappeared... Oh! And that's my mom Julieta, here's her deal, whoa
The truth is, she can heal you with a meal, whoa
Her recipes are remedies for real
If you're impressed, imagine how I feel, Mom!
Welcome to the Family Madrigal
The home of the Family Madrigal

Y/n: (Hey, coming through!)

Mirabel: I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical
But I'm part of the Family Madrigal

⛰️Encanto's Heart of Platinum: Luis Madrigal x Y/n L/n⛰️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant