Old Love (Helena)

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Your POV
I was at Starbucks with my Wife Elizabeth Olsen and our daughter Ashley Elizabeth request that name she loves it and while we were having family time i saw that i don't want to remember,to see,to talk to,touch again... Helena

"Honey are you even listening??"Lizzie said and i look both of them confused

"Pardon?"she sigh and look to the person who i was looking at and she knew who i am looking at

"wait so that's her?, why does she look like she's come out from break up again"i sigh and nodded"mama will you tell me a story about your first love before you met mommy?"i smiled and nodded

"Of course Ash but first we need to go home so that we can get comfy"she smiled and i help my pregnant wife and look back at Helena again this time she is looking at me with regret in her eyes but i looked away quickly and leave the store

End of Your POV

Helena POV
As y/n and that woman with a daughter leave i want to know if y/n is married i missed her so much i regret choosing Rye so after i order the coffee i went to where she sit and i still smell her perfume Eau De Parfumé is still i give her she never change her perfume until now I didn't hear the call so i look at the bartender and get my coffee and sat back again and sigh

"I missed you y/n..."i said and look at the sky and remember the past


"Happy birthday Hellie!" She said and kissed my forehead and i giggle

"Thank you love this is so amazing I can't believe I'm 30 this year and you're 25 Omg i think I'm ol-"she stopped me by peck on her lips

"Stop saying that you're still young we promise to each other we will still have our best wedding, honeymoon and have twins right?"i nodded how can't i leave her she is the one i will be spending the rest of my life with

But that things change until it was 5 months later she was in the military when i met Rye he was always there when I'm sad i try to call y/n but if i call her she will be mad so i start to develop feelings for him and with that we started dating secretly but that's when...

"Cate let me explain?"she just look at me in disbelief and shakes her head and walks out

"I'm so messed up"i said and next week y/n will be released to the military and Cate will probably tell her I can't lose her even Rye too

A few weeks later

"So you've been cheating on me behind my back you know I won't get mad at you for calling me but this?!!"she yelled and i know it was a mistake but i wanted to

"Y/n i know i don't have a courage to tell you I'm sorry please d-don't leave this 5 years relationship?"i begged but she just scoffed and walk to the door holding the suitcase while Cate is holding the other one

"Choose! Is it me!,or HIM!!"she said pointing to Rye who is standing behind me and holding me and i made the HUGE, MISERABLE MISTAKE

"Him.."WHAT?!! I WANT Y/N!!! HOW ON EARTH DID MY MOUTH BRING THAT OUT!??"N-no y/n i-it's not him i prom-"she slapped me hard i never being hurted by y/n before but this?, This is from another level she is not the softest,sweetest y/n I've ever knew

"You made a choice and you better accept that!!"and with that she slammed the door and i started to cry and ever since that day i break up woth Rye and never loved someone again

End of Flashback

Now that I'm 40 years old i still don't love someone or forgive Rye i still waited for the love of my life last week was y/n's 35th birthday and i give her a text every time it was her birthday but no response i accepted it and i hope she still forgive me and after i drink my coffee i went home

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