~part 7~

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After a while they got tired of dancing and decided to go for a little walk in the forest. They were both a bit drunk and giggled as they walked further away from the party.

„we should have taken drinks with us" Beatrix said desperately. Stella put her hand on Beatrix's shoulder and said „I think we've had enough at first, don't you think?"
Beatrix rolled her eyes and walked a few steps faster. „Wait for me!" Stella said, trying to catch up.
Beatrix smiled "I'm not going fast, you're going slow." Stella kept walking behind Beatrix but said nothing.

After a while Beatrix turned around and Stella was gone. She looked confused in all directions.
„Stella where are you?" she asked but there was no reaction. Suddenly Stella appeared in front of her,
she had used her invisibility magic.
„Don't scare me like that! are you crazy?"
Stella laughed „then don't play with me"
Beatrix looked at her angrily but she had to hold back her smile.
„Oh no" Stella said and started running away from her. Beatrix ran after her and caught her. They started to fight playfully, but then Stella really fell down into the dirt. Beatrix covered her mouth with her hand and giggled.
Stella took Beatrix's arm and pulled her into the dirt too. „Stella no!" she yelled but then they both had to laugh again.

„We look awful" Stella said as she got up and tried to get the dirt off.
„yeah" answered Beatrix. Stella helped Beatrix get up too. Then they went on until they found a bench and sat down there.Both just sat quietly for a while.
Until Stella looked over at Beatrix and broke the silence.

„What are you thinking about?" she asked.
„Nothing really. except that it's nice to get away from it all, here in a forest out of nowhere."
Stella nodded in agreement. Their hands were very close to each other on the bench.
Stella felt like taking her hand but didn't dare.
Beatrix actually thought of the same thing.
So what should happen? obviously they like each other and no one else could see them either.

Stella took a small breath and carefully touched with her pinky Beatrix's hand, to see how she reacted.
Beatrix understood and took her hand.
Stella squeezed her hand tightly and Beatrix smiled slightly. They got butterflies from it and sat there for a moment without saying anything. The just held each other's hands.

After a few minutes Beatrix looked at Stella "maybe we should go it's getting dark"
Stella looked back at her and raised her eyebrows
„but you do know that I'm a light fairy right?"
They just smiled at each other. „but we should go anyway" Beatrix said and Stella nodded.

They walked back to Party hand in hand and Stella lighted the way for them.
Suddenly Stella got a call. It was Bloom.
„Where are you Stella?" asked Bloom worried.
Stella cleared her throat, „I went for a short walk with Beatrix, we'll be right back" then she hung up.
Stella looked at Beatrix and slowly let go of her hand. „We're almost there I can already hear the music." she said and Beatrix nodded.

As they came back, Bloom and Terra were standing in front of them. „Why do you guys look like that did you play in the dirt?" Terra asked shocked. 
Stella and Beatrix started laughing.
„We just had a little accident" Beatrix finally said. 
Stella nodded in agreement. „Come with us Stella you haven't been with us all evening" Terra said.

Stella joined the others with Bloom and Terra.
Beatrix went to get another drink and tried to talk to some other fairies.

It seemed like Stella was ignoring her. She didn't even looked at Beatrix for the next hour.
Beatrix wasn't angry, but somehow she wanted to get Stella's attention again. So she went to riven who was standing there alone.
„Hi riven, doesn't Musa want to dance anymore?"
she said and riven rolled his eyes.
„What do you want Beatrix?" he asked. 
„Would you like to make Musa jealous? you could dance with me for a while" Beatrix answered but actually with the thought of making Stella jealous.
Riven hesitated at first but then she convinced him.

So they started dancing together, near Stella and the others.
After a while Stella noticed and watched them.
„I can feel your jealousy" Musa said to Stella.
„What? you probably only feel your own jealousy"
Stella answered annoyed.
Musa sat closer to Stella. „Definitely not" she said afterwards.
„I just don't understand why they're suddenly doing something together again"
„I don't know..." Musa replied. 
Stella and Musa watched Beatrix and Riven for a moment, but then Stella got up and walked to them
„can I talk to you for a moment beatrix?"
Beatrix looked at her provocatively and then she looked back at Riven "excuse me for a minute."

Stella started walking and Beatrix followed her until they were a little further into the forest.
Stella turned to Beatrix „what's that supposed to be?" Beatrix acts as if she doesn't know what she meant. „what?"
Stella took a step closer to her „I mean why do you act like everything is okay between you and Riven and why do you dance with him?"
„I just wanted to have some fun too" Beatrix replied.
„But with Riven? Why are you doing this to yourself?"
„we just danced a little Stella, why are you freaking out like that? it's literally my business."

Stella shook her head „I wasn't expecting that from you" Beatrix sighed „okay can I go back now?"
Stella tried to hold back but she couldn't, she took a few more steps towards her. Beatrix walked a few steps back until she hit a tree.

„Tell me the truth now" Stella said and looked into her eyes.
„You want to hear the truth? fine. you didn't even cared about me after we came back and that drove me crazy. Because you always don't care about me when it comes to your friends. I didn't knew what else to do, I just wanted you to pay attention to me again."

Stella swallowed, then she said „I'm sorry. it's not easy for me. But negative attention is not the solution.
You can't do that."
Beatrix got tears in her eyes.
„I'm sorry I don't know how to deal with it. I was never taught how to deal with my emotions and I feel so lonely you can't imagine what it's like to feel like that."

Stella took a deep breath. She didn't knew what to say because no matter what she could have said, it wouldn't be enough to explain how she felt about Beatrix.
They looked at each other until Stella couldn't hold back her feelings anymore, she pushed her slightly against the tree and pressed her lips against Beatrix's.

They just fell into the kiss and they wished this feeling could last forever. They started making out carefully and Beatrix slipped her tongue in Stella's mouth.
Stella slowly went under Beatrix shirt and pressed her closer to her body. They started to breathe heavier but then they suddenly heard a noise.

„What was that?" Stella asked and looked around.
„It's me" they heard Aisha say
„we want to go back to school."

Stella and Beatrix went with Aisha back to the others. They both stayed silent and just said goodnight to each other as they got back to school.


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