Ch1: Welcome to Neverland

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"She's here" i heard a whisper from a running excited kid as the two boys one on each side of me look at him with no emotions at all, continuing forward soon enough we find the camp, i look around my surroundings see all boys different ages only some around my age but very few i decided to go sit at one of the logs by the campfire. Sighing softly and looking around I see all eyes on me like I'm some kind of meal. " Quit staring and go back to your jobs' ' the blonde boy told all the boys as they scattered across the camp, some went into a hut, my guess the cooking area, others went to sharpen weapons giving me quick glances. " all boys and no girls '' i softly say a bit to loudly as i get glances from the blonde and dark haired boy they smile "names Felix and this is Devin, just stay seated pan won't be long" the blonde known to be Felix said as he took off where the weapons were and the boy Devin took a seat next to me staring a little bit at me " is anything on my face" i ask him he begins to stutter "n- no i just never really seen a girl in a long time its weird" "sorry i guess" i replied to him not really knowing why it would be weird for him like he did have a mother right before he came here. 

"Devin, is that any way to talk to our lost girl?" I heard a voice coming from behind me. Turning around, I saw a brunette boy leaning against a tree. "I didn't mean to be rude" Devin says to the boy before going off to where Felix is. "He is telling the truth" I said defending Devin, a boy I barely even know. The boy looks stunned a bit and then grins staring at me with his emerald green eyes. "You'll fit in well here, come with me" i followed him willingly because i don't want to know what would've happened if i didn't. Leaving the campsite he takes me to this open area where there is a massive ledge but with beautiful scenery of the ocean. I look at the view standing where I am . It was truly amazing. " what's your name" the boy asked looking at me intently "Skye, Skye Jones'' i focus back on him and put my hand out wanting him to handshake "Peter, Peter Pan'' he said to me grinning and taking my handshake before breaking apart, i stood there for a minute thinking pan where have i heard of that before and that's when it hit me this boy was my dads boss for sometime meaning he was the one that made the deal "pan huh? Then you were part of all the give something up deal am i right" pan nodded and looked out at the view " correct however i had no idea he would give up his own daughter, i thought he would give up something else but i guess his mind went straight to you" hearing these words i was stunned although i just met this boy he seems different and he will tell me anything i need to know. "Right, well i won't be seeing him again" pan came closer " you can if want" i looked at him "no i made the choice of words very clear to my father back on the ship" pan laughed a bit at my stubbornness and slight angered tone bringing up my father "you've got fire, i like fire" making me smile softly at his words.

Who knew the so called bloody demon could have a civil conversation but something tells me i haven't even seen half of the things this boy peter pan is capable of as the other nickname he has with pirates is the king of neverland "Skye" i hear my name been called as i turn around and see pan near the trees " yeah pan" he grins lightly again and puts his hand out "welcome to neverland, it's time for you to meet everyone", taking his hand we head back to camp seeing everyone eating around the bonfire the boys all begin to stare again "Everyone this is Skye, She'll be staying here so treat her like one of your own" pan said standing on a log, having all the eyes of all the boys on him.As the night started to roll in, I stayed on the log by the bonfire and looked up towards the sky, while the boys were all dancing around the bonfire, smiling and circling around it. It was quite entertaining but i wasn't sure if there was music playing or something because it seemed they were going from a beat but in all honesty i couldn't hear a thing, all i heard was the laughter, crackling of wood burning, smell of smoke and bush. Time continued to past by and everyone was heading to their huts, staying on the log obviously not knowing where to go, pan walked towards me, now standing up from the log and being close to him "here come i'll show you were you'll be staying" after that sentence he took me on a short walk on the other side of camp and standed out the front of the hut "this is yours" he said beginning to walk away i quickly grabbed his hand making him turn and now having direct eye contact with him "pan" i said to him in a quiet tone "yeah" he responded softly wondering what I'm about to say.

"Goodnight" giving a small smile while letting go of his hand, he looked at me confused and raised an eyebrow but then changed his expression with a soft smirk "goodnight".

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