So close

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Gino's POV

I wake up with the thought of being with Maddie and finally showing her that I really do care about her. I took a shower then threw on jeans and a t-shirt that says 'you mad bro'?' on. I went to the kitchen and made my breakfast. I had toast.

5 minutes later I got a text from Mackenzie letting me know she's outside waiting. Mackenzie's mom gives me a ride to school every morning.

School started last Thursday but I missed every day because of dance. Today I can go to school.

I walked outside and closed the front door behind me. "Good morning" I said and jumped into the car next to Mackenzie. "Morning" Mackenzie smiled. "Good morning how are you Gino?" Her mom joins. "Good thanks, how are you?" I try to be polite. "Im good thanks" she shrieks. I force a weird smile then faded it off.

"Have a good day kids" Mackenzie's mom yelled as we got off the car. "God" Mackenzie whispers "so embarrassing". I can't do anything else just laugh. Mackenzie and I went our separate ways.

"Hey Gino" Kendall waved and walked towards me. "Heard you're going to be on the team"

I frown. Kendall is the last person I would be talking to. I know she's Maddie's best friend. But there's something about her that I don't like. "Guess so" I mumble and try to walk away but she quickly turns to my direction. "So are you planning on having any solos?" Her face is so close to mine that I can notice every single one of her little freckles , I didn't know she had them. I back away a few inches "I don't know Kendall" I say. "Good. Because those are for me" She snaps then walks away. I sigh relieve that she is gone and  walk to my first period. "Good to see you" My teacher said referring to me missing two days of school.

After 2 more classes I had lunch. I sit with Chloe, Zack, Mackenzie, Jenna, James and Josh.

"Long time no see" Mackenzie says. We all start to laugh awkwardly because it has been a long time. After a while Mackenzie is talking to Josh, Chloe is beyond lost in zack's face, Jenna is on her iPhone and James is making eye contact with a girl he just meet.

I start to eat my lunch and somebody hits me in the back of my head. "Ops sorry" Kendall frowns and sits down on the empty chair next to me. "Don't worry" I rub my head and laugh. "So what are you up too?" She says and takes a look at everyone in the table then looks back at me again.

"Eating" I say and start eating again.

"Oh, yeah sorry" Kendall says and taps the table lightly with the top of her fingers "so hey, I was wondering if we could meet after school before dance?" Kendall' splashes. I opened my eyes, they could easily roll out out of my face. "Like for what?" I ask.

"You know practice?" She blabs. "I'll go to your house after school Kay?" She placed her hand on my shoulder. "Wow, take it easy Vertes" I say and move her hand away from my shoulder. "I have plans" I lied. "Oh" She looked away.

"Then I'll see you around" She said and walked away.

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