Kyle x Alex

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It was years after their departure from Stone Haven County Asylum and the two men were deeply in love. They had been through many hardships. Kyle getting stuck in that well, Alex cheating on him with a forklift (the little whore), and even surviving the tragic Covid 24 together. However, through it all, the two stayed loyal to each other (minus the time Alex cheated with the forklift).

After their 5 year relationship, despite their troubles, the couple had decided to get married. Alex was going to be wearing a lovely Versace suit, and Kyle was going to be wearing a full Vampire robe, shoulder points and all. The wedding preparation was hard; Alex was anxious something would go wrong logistics wise, and Kyle was worried Alex would find another forklift and leave him for it.

Kyle had decided to quit his job as manager of the Wegmens when the wedding happened. Due to nepotism, Alex was going to be the next manager. Kyle had decided to quit his job because he wanted to pursue his dream of being the perfect house husband. Over the past few months he had been teaching himself how to make all the classic suburban white family home meals; meatloaf, shepard's pie, and liver on wednesdays. He had also been teaching himself how to best clean the house. He learned that a mix of ammonia and peanut butter led to very clean and shiny mirrors.

The day before the wedding both men went in to separate shops to pick up their suits. When Kyle got home he felt like something was off. He slowly walked to their bedroom, scared of what he would find. He heard a strange noise as he approached the door. It was cracked open, so he peaked in to see what was going on. Inside, he saw Alex watching something on his phone. It sounded like...a forklift. Kyle burst the door open and Alex jumped, throwing his phone across the room.

"I-I thought you said you were going for lunch after you picked up your suit!" Alex gulped and backed into the headboard. Kyle meandered over to the phone and picked it up. On it, he saw something he couldn't have even imagined. It was the only fans page of a forklift. The same forklift Alex had cheated on him with before.

Kyle held back tears and ran out of the room and out of the house, running all the way down the street until he realized he was thirsty. He knocked on their neighbor's door and asked if he could come in. The neighbor was a woman named Linda, and she was a single mom with 3 sons, all under 10. She invited him in and he immediately started sobbing. She told her children to go play outside and came over to the counter to start comforting Kyle.

"I just don't know how he could do this to me. I never imagined he would betray me like this." Kyle put his face in his hands and wailed. Linda patted his back and told him it would be okay. She invited him to stay in her guest room while he worked things out with Alex and they decided on living conditions.

Suddenly, Kyle heard a knock at the door. Standing outside was a man wearing a black suit with black sunglasses and a black tie.

"Hello sir, are you Kyle May." The man lowered his sunglasses and stared at him.

"Yes I am. Can I ask who you are?" Kyle stood back a step and swallowed.

"I'm an FBI agent and I need to ask you some questions." The agent asked if he could come in and Kyle motioned for them to go talk outside.

Oh my was this going to be interesting.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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