"Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to, can get off the Isle." Uma told Mal seriously.

"I can't do that." Mal told Uma.

"Can't do that? Well, how about now?" Uma angrily asked as she held the ember over the edge of the bridge.

"Deal. Deal." Mal exclaimed before Uma could drop the ember into the water.

Mal held out her hand for the ember as Uma continued to hold it over the water. Uma pretended to drop it causing the others to gasp.

"Uma!" Evie shouted as Uma laughed. "Her word is good."

"I'll still keep this, for the time being." Uma said with a smirk as she put the ember in her necklace causing Mal to sigh and cross her arms. "Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates."

"Yeah." Harry and Gil said with smirks as they gave Uma a high five.

"We can always go back to hating each other when this is over." Jay told Mal as he placed a hand on her arm.

"Fine." Mal muttered.

"Where are our bikes?" Jay asked Harry and Gil angrily. 

"Oh, yeah. We crashed them." Gil told Jay as Harry mimicked crashing noises.

"Here's a thought." Evie said as she walked in between the two groups. "We could try to be friends. Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences. Yeah? Who wants gum?"

"Let's go." Uma ordered with an eye roll as she, Harry, and Gil started to walk away.

"No?" Evie asked sadly as she held out her bag of gum.

"Ah." Mal called out causing Uma to pause and turn to her. "No. I'm in charge. Let's go."


After walking over the bridge and into Auradon, Mal and the others led the way through the woods and over to Auradon Prep. Mal tried to reach Y/N over her phone while Carlos tried to reach Jane and Evie tried to reach Doug and Dizzy.

"They're asleep." Evie said in shock as they glanced around at the people sleeping at the tables in the garden. Mal hung up her phone as she looked around. "Everyone."

"I can't get Y/N." Mal told the group.

"Or Dizzy or Doug." Evie said as she glanced down at her phone.

"Or Jane. The signal's out." Carlos added.

"Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia asked in amazement as she pointed to the school. 

"Yeah. When everybody wakes up, you're going to love it." Carlos told Celia with a smile causing her to silently cheer.

"Everything is so..." Gil started to say as he looked around in shock.

"Freaky." Jay cut in.

"...Green." Gil finished. "You have leaves on your trees. And what are those colored things on the bushes?" 

"Uh... Flowers?" Jay told Gil, giving him a weird look.

"Flowers are pretty." Gil said with a grin before turning to the table they stood in front of and grabbing some fruit from the bowl on the table. "Cantaloupe! Mm! Mm!"

"We don't have any fresh fruit on the Isle, remember?" Uma reminded Jay when he went stop Gil, causing Jay to stop and pat Gil's shoulder instead.

"Thank you." Gil said to the sleeping people at the table as if they could hear him.

"They're grapes." Jay corrected Gil with a small smile and walking over to Harry.

"Grapes?" Gil muttered. "I love grapes."

"I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my role in this endeavor." Harry said with a grin as he took some money out the sleeping person's wallet.

Jay quickly went over to Harry and took the money out of Harry's hand.

"You do. Me not squashing you like a bug." Jay told Harry as he put the money in the person's pocket causing Harry to laugh sarcastically.

"Think I'm scared of you, Jay?" Harry asked Jay as he held up his hand that had the hook.

"Guys." Mal and Uma said in unison causing Harry to back off as Jay stormed away from him.

"Mm!" A voice moaned out causing Carlos to turn around and see Dude licking one of the sleeping people's hand.

"Dude." Carlos exclaimed excitedly.

"Delicious." Dude said as he turned around to look up at Carlos and burped.

"Dude, really?" Carlos scolded as Jay came up behind him.

"What? It wasn't me, I swear." Dude exclaimed. "Okay. It was me."

"Hey, do you know what happened here?" Carlos asked as the others came up behind him, besides Evie.

"Yup. Audrey showed up. She put everybody to sleep. And then she turned some of them to..." Dude started to explain.

"Guys." Evie called out as she glanced back at the others causing them to walk over to her. "Hannah turned to stone."

"Alright, everybody stay on their toes." Jay told the group as they looked at Hannah in shock.

"Look, since we're here, let's check the school." Uma suggested before she, Uma, Harry, and Celia started to walk to the school entrance.

"No." Mal shook her head causing Uma and her group to pause and look at her. "Audrey went straight for the crown, so, I think it's safe to assume that she's gonna go for Y/N and her castle next. That's where we'll go."

Her friends nodded their head as Uma and her group walked back over to them.

"Says who?" Uma asked with an eye roll.

"Says me." Mal asked as she took a step towards Uma.

"Says you. And that's supposed to mean something to me?" Uma asked Mal.

"Guys." Evie cut in before Mal and Uma could do anything causing the two of them to look at her.

Evie gave Mal a look causing Mal to roll her eyes.

"To the castle." Mal ordered before leading the way to Y/N's castle.

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