movie night woes [ ❥ ]

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"Why do I always let you pick the movies?" You ask with a groan as you flop down on the sofa next to Hondo, laying into him as he throws the blanket back over you and presses play on Fight Club for what feels like the dozenth time this year.

He grins as the open credits roll and you cuddle into him despite your complaints, resting your head on his chest and wrapping an arm around his midsection.

"Because you love me is why." He says with a laugh, kissing the top of your head. You roll your eyes at him, but make no move to separate. He catches your expression, and looks down at you with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, but by all means- feel free to change it. As long as you're okay with having to get up and traipse over to change the DVD- "

"Oh hush", you scold him lightly, smacking his arm and making him laugh. "You watch your bad movie and let me get comfy in peace. Deal?"

He grins, kissing the crown of your head. "Deal."

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