"You know what I think is unnecessary?" Scotland asked with irritation in his tone as he turned around to face his sister. "The fact that you find the need to force me to give you my things and then judge me about it. Why the fuck do you find that necessary?" 

England looked at him with a serious expression. She wasn't going to argue, hopefully. "Well, recently, I've observed that you have been a tad bit more violent. And I know what you did to your hands yesterday," She explained calmly. 

"You don't think that I can be trusted? I've spent practically my entire life using weapons, and now I'm not trustworthy?" Scotland assumed with Fireburst providing a good amount of weight to his forearm. He may have gotten a bit carried away already. 

"I didn't say that," England said blandly. 

"You're treating me like Wales again. I'm not a fucking child!" Yeah.... he was getting carried away. 

"I'm not treating you like a child. I'm sorry if it is coming off like that," she said as calmly as possible. 

'Let me teach her how to be sorry. That bitch-.' "Get out of my fucking head!" Scotland blurted as his hands shot up to cover his face. 

Fireburst consequently had no place to perch and landed on the floor. England watched her twin with a slight confusion. Scotland suddenly took a deep sigh with closed eyes as he dropped his hands to his side. 

"I- I'll be over at Iceland's," He stated abruptly while power walking to the door. England wasn't going to stop him, there was no point in trying. 

She waited to hear the dorm door close and automatically lock. England glanced down at the objects that weren't hers in her hands, "This was for safety right? Yeah. This is safer." Not only for other people, but for Scotland as well. "Why did he do that to himself, Fireburst? I thought he got over it," England spoke to the phoenix. 

Kaleidoscope was too stupid to understand. Fireburst suddenly exited in his signature cloud. It wasn't long before the phoenix was on the couch next to her, holding something in his beak. 

"What do you have there?" England said as she reached for the two pieces of paper. The two pieces were once one, once a full photo. She was concerned to say the least upon seeing Scotland's most prized memories ripped in two. 

The family photo, there was only one of it, and it was ruined. The rip tore off the heads of three of the royals, England, Scotland, and the King. Destroyed, memories shattered by a mistake, clouded in that traitorous guilt. 

"That's why." 

A bit later, in Dorm #15. 

Innocently watching an American homicide show on the TV and eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream for breakfast, there wasn't a concern in Iceland's mind over Scotland's abrupt arrival. She was sitting criss-cross-applesauce with her bowl in her lap and a blanket wrapped around her like an oversized shawl. 

Scotland was watching the same show, sitting on the same couch next to her. Norway isn't one to stay inside all day, so who knows where he is. 

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