Chapter 10

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"Tony, listen to me."Hunter said.

"No way! You guys are crazy!" Tony shouted and tried to run.

Hunter tackled him and tried dragging him back. I was scared as I tried to stay out of the way. Hunter had made Tony come with us to the park but we hadn't seen Mimi or Judy yet. Hunter had tried explaining to Tony about Mimi but Tony wasn't going to hear any of it.

"Dude! Just shut the fuck up and listen for once!" Hunter shouted.

Tony lay still for a moment and then he started to sob. He sat up and tried to stop but it was obvious he couldn't.

"Why would you bring her up? You know I don't want to talk about that." Tony said.

"Tony, I understand that but you have to listen to us. We can see her and she wants to talk to you." I said and helped him up.

Tony looked around and sighed. He ran hand through his hair and frowned.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Mimi, come here please." I said and looked around.

Nothing happened. Judy appeared and has a frown on her face. I gulped and Hunter looked scared.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"Mimi wont come. She doesn't believe that he's here." Judy explained.

"Tony, she doesn't think that it's you." Hunter said.

"This is bullshit. I'm out of here." Tony replied and tried to walk away.

"Tony? Tony wait!" Mimi shouted and ran.

Tony couldn't hear her of course so he kept walking. Mimi's voice caught in her throat and we knew she was close to tears. She disappeared and reappeared a few feet away from him.

"Tony! Stop walking. You finally came back. Stop moving!" She begged.

Mimi had enough. She grabbed Tony's arm and Tony stopped. He turned and looked at us for a moment. He yanked his arm away and Mimi fell backwards. He didn't know it was her. Anger rushed through me and I ran towards him.

"Tony, you're causing her pain! Just listen." I shouted and grabbed his hand.

Mimi grabbed my arm to yank me away and Tony gasped. He stared at the space where Mimi stood and he let go of my hand. He blinked for a moment and rubbed his eyes.

"I thought I saw Mimi." He whispered.

I realized that Mimi was still holding onto me and that she was holding me when I had Tony's hand. I grabbed Tony's hand again and Tony's face lit up. He could see her, but how? He hugged Mimi and Mimi hugged him back. Mimi sobbed into his shoulder and Tony tried not to cry again. The bush in the park rustled and the wind picked up. We all knew what that meant. Mimi looked up and held onto Tony.

"What's happening?" Tony asked.

"He's back." Mimi replied and hugged him tighter.

"Who? Who's back? Mimi what are you-" Tony looked up and saw the shadow man.

Judy screamed loudly and Tony jumped. He hadn't seen her. Judy winked at him and leaned in close to him.

"Leave it to me hot shot." Judy said and ran towards the shadow man.

The shadow man screamed louder and louder as she grew brighter and brighter.  His screech was unbearable. Hunter tried to block it out but it was hard. The shadow darted through Judy and we all gasped as it came dashing to Mimi. Judy ran again and was barely able to block Mimi. She screamed louder as the man disappeared. She started coughing loudly and tried to catch her breath. Tony stared at her and then bent down next to her.

"Thank you for helping Mimi." Tony said and kissed her cheek.

Judy disappeared and Mimi hugged Tony one last time before turning serious.

"Tony, I have to tell you something in order for me to pass on." Mimi said.

"What is it?" Tony asked.

"I love you. I'll miss you and mom and dad. I'll miss everyone. I'll even miss Tabby." Mimi said and giggled.

Tony laughed and hugged her. Mimi glowed for a bit and then she disappeared. Tony sighed and wiped away a tear.

"Did she pass on?" He asked.

"We think so. Thank you for coming all this way." I said.

"Hey, how did you get here anyways?" Hunter asked.

"That girl came to me in my dreams. They threatened to stab me and that bad things would happened if I stayed home. Also, I have an uncle who I came to visit." Tony explained and took out his car keys.

Hunter smiled and I grinned. Finally we would have a normal life. Mimi had finally crossed over and Hunter had met his friend again. We would have a normal prom night.

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