A tale of Friendship Between a Vampire & Ghost

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Hoseok snorted. Of course his friend wasn't interested in moving, much less doing some work.

"Yes, yes, yes. And I'm even older than you. Stop whining, Yoongi," he laughed and came closer to the pond. He knew his friend wouldn't drown him. Well, he could try but since he was basically immortal, it was not possible to kill him by drowning, "Come on, let's have some fun. I want to see the lights and snacks, I mean people! Let's blend in and go wild! Maybe you can even drown a man or two!"

Hoseok cackled as he leaned in closer to his pale friend. He wanted to have fun now!

"I only drown the bad people for the most part or the ones who tell me no. Also unless there's a water way that's a bit difficult, unless I drown them in sorrows," Yoongi scoffed, he needed to put up a bit of a fight. It wasn't entertaining otherwise, he needed to make Hoseok struggle just a little. Maybe even beg a little for his company. It was just funny to see the vampire beg and whine like a child. He thought it was all too funny and it would cheer up his rather drab afterlife. Plus it was eternal revenge for that time Hoseok made him beg for his help while holding onto his ankles. So the vampire was getting what he deserved.

The vampire probably saw that differently if asked. But Yoongi wasn't asking and would never do that.

Hoseok pouted and came even closer to the ghost. He was very much invading his personal space.

"Oh come on. I know you want that. And drowning them in sorrow is what you can do best. I can lure them to the lake in the city and you can drown a couple of people. What do you think?"

The vampire smiled brightly and threw his friend an air kiss. He doubted it would work but he could try.

"You're a crazed psychopath is what it sounds like to me," Yoongi rolled his eyes, "but sure let's explore the town, even if I'm not a fan of how the world has changed."
He didn't like it because he didn't know it, it was all new to him and was confusing. Even if it supposedly gave a ghost a lot more opportunities.

"Ahhh, I love you so much Yoongi!" Hoseok laughed; his smile indeed served him very well! He jumped up to his full height and hovered right above the ground. Yoongi could fly and so could he! He doubted the ghost wanted to walk the whole way to the town.

"Let's gooooo!"

"You're too happy about this," Yoongi yawned as he let himself float into the air, he would stay by Hoseok's side but not dare say I love you back. Those words were odd to him, they never felt right. Hoseok felt right though, being with him and doing stupid things that he otherwise wouldn't do. The sunny vampire often got them in situations that weren't Yoongi's idea of fun yet he almost always ended up having it.

And that was the beauty of their relationship. Hoseok could have fun with someone else who knew him very well and Yoongi needed a push to crawl out of his damp pond.

"I am indeed. Let me have fun. There is no such thing as 'too much fun' - you know me too well for that. Not everyone can mope around all day. I left the 'emo phase' over three hundred years ago." Hoseok didn't mind Yoongi like this though. He was happy to help the ghost, even though he couldn't help him with crossing over. So the man laughed as they went higher and higher. He could transform into a crow - that was also the reason why so many crows were in that cemetery - but he didn't want to.

Why people thought vampires could transform into bats was a mystery to him. The same with sunlight and garlic. Hah, he loved garlic!

Hoseok was giggling as they made their way towards the city.

"Sooo, you want to drown someone first? I spotted a bad, bad man."

Which meant it could be anyone. Hoseok had a very lax code for categorizing humans. If you stole something 15 years ago, may it be a Snickers in your early, rebellious teens, you would still be labeled as a bad person because you stole. You could be a perfect father, caring, loving, gentle, never hurting a fly, but that one incident made you a bad person in Hoseok's book. And really, was a human even capable of not being bad? Hoseok didn't believe that.

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