Section 2 - The Knowledge of April: CHAPTER 1 - Spring Formal

Start from the beginning


Outside they walked along the paths. April pointed out where the event was to be held. Behind the common areas was a huge tent set up with a very large dance floor. Peter joked about being in forbidden territory since males were normally not allowed past the common areas. The tables were decorated with white cloths and spring flower bouquets. They had moved potted plants from the garden into the tent. And, 'fairy lights' (or Christmas tree lights as they are called in America), were strung from pole to pole giving the whole area a soft infusion of light. There were tables of punch and treats. The band, made up of younger students, was warming up in the corner. Students dressed in their best were starting to flow into the tent.

Peter got them something to drink and a couple of tiny chocolate cakes. They found Susan who was seeing a 12th year student named Christopher. Peter liked to rib Susan, since Chris' name sounded a bit like Caspian and he also looked like Caspian too.

Over the last few weeks Peter and April had talked quite a bit about Narnia. He filled her in on their adventures with the Prince and the Telmarines that she wouldn't have known about from the book. He spoke of his time as king and was starting to open up to her about how he felt while there. He seemed to be more relaxed in general and she hoped that it was helping him to talk about his adventures. She loved listening to his stories, wishing she could have been there.

The band was starting off with a waltz. She had never waltzed before so when Peter turned to her and asked her to dance, she hesitated.

"Ballroom dancing classes, remember?" he said with a wink.

He showed her the basic step and then led her to the dance floor. No one else was brave enough to be out there yet and the band members were starting to look uncomfortable. Leave it to Peter to be the leader.... He took her hands and placed them where they were supposed to go, and with a hand to her waist started to move. At first, she felt awkward and uncomfortable. She was able to complete the steps, she was a ballerina after all, but...

"April," Peter laughingly broke into her thoughts. "Look at me, not at your feet. It will help."

She raised her eyes to his and let out the breath she had been holding. It was easy then, they started to glide and turn making large sweeps across the floor. The other students feeling emboldened came onto the floor, but April still felt like it was just her and Peter. He was an incredible dancer, she shouldn't have been surprised. Leadership in any form came so naturally for him. She barely had to concentrate on the dance. A bit of pressure on her side, a lift of her elbow... he told her exactly where to move without saying a word.

He smiled at her, he was enjoying himself too. Good she thought, it would soon be time for questions. Would she get the answers she hoped for?

After the waltz, the band jazzed things up and played a number for swing dancing. The dance floor was crowded now. The students were much more familiar with this dance. Made popular in Britain during the war, by American GI's stationed in the UK, most called it the 'Jitterbug'. April had been shown the basic steps by her friend who had a brother stationed at the RAF site in Christchurch early in the war. But, she was not quite prepared for the power of Peter's moves. She laughed and was amazed at the way he twisted and turned leading her through the fast paced dance.

"Ready?" Peter yelled. Without missing a beat he picked her up by the waist and turned her against one side of his body and then the other.

Smiling, he called, "great exercise, right?"

April was in a different place all together. It has been too much like the lifts and holds that she had imagined doing with him before she even met him. She needed to get some air. Thankfully, the song ended and they got some punch.

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