OC x Johanna x Wilhamena

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Commissioned and Co-Written by Cowboy Alchemist.


"Hurry up, Hilda! You're gonna be late to meet your friends!" Thomas called out while sitting on the couch in the living room in Johanna's apartment.

"I'm almost done! Just a minute!" Hilda's voice sounded from behind the door of her bedroom.

The time had come for the town of Trolberg to celebrate Halloween. As the sun started to set over the sea, the kids of the town could be heard coming out of their homes in their costumes, with sacks and buckets to put candy in as they went out to trick or treat. They laughed and played with one another, as the adults that gave them their candies smiled. Reminding them of the time they were their age.

A tradition of the holiday that excited Hilda, as this will be her first Halloween in Trolberg. It was a moment that Thomas was happy and excited for her to experience. As he waited for Hilda to put on her costume.

"Are you sure you wanna go out without a costume, Thomas?" Johanna said as she approached him, wearing a purple cape over her casual clothes and fake vampire fangs in her mouth. And on her left hand was a silver engagement ring. A similar one was on Thomas' hand.

Thomas smiled as he looked at his girlfriend, who had now just become his fiancée. It was after saving Hilda when she became a troll and saving the town from what would have been a war between humans and the trolls. When Hilda went to go see Baba and Trylla, Thomas and Johanna went on a date, and that was when he finally proposed to the love of his life. To say that Johanna was overjoyed would be an understatement. In fact, she shouted 'Yes' over and over until she was out of breath and Thomas slipped the ring on her finger. Afterwards, they 'celebrated' until sunrise in his apartment.

"I wish I wouldn't, but because of the recent paranormal incident, I didn't have the time to find a costume." Thomas replied with a sigh. Seeing how sad Johanna looked, Thomas smiled for her. "But it's okay, at least what I'm wearing makes me look like... I don't know, a lumberjack or something."

"I see, only the problem is you've been using that costume for, like, forever." Johanna jokes. "But don't worry, I think I have something you can put on for tonight!" She then went to her bedroom, leaving Thomas wearing a puzzled look until she came back with a box full of hats in her hands.

"Are you sure those would be enough?" Thomas asked with an raised eyebrow.

"Of course, I've seen people wearing funny hats on Halloween, even without a costume. Let's just find one that could fit you." Johanna replied before setting the box on the coffee table and began rummaging through the hats. "Oh, how about this one? You could be a cowboy!" She put a cowboy hat on his head.

"I don't know... Too old-school." Thomas said, not convinced about this type of hat.

"Hmm... How about this one?" She then exchanged the cowboy hat to a trucker hat with words that said "I'm Eggscellent"

"Eh, I think it only works as a pop culture reference, nothing more." Thomas said, though he couldn't help but feel like that thing wasn't supposed to belong in this story.

"Maybe this one could fit you!" Johanna handed him a Cat in The Hat's hat.

"Alright, I see what you are doing." Thomas chuckled before getting up and hugged Johanna. "Listen, I know you're trying to help me, but I'm fine. Besides, tonight it's not about me, it's for Hilda's first trick or treating. That's the only thing that matters to me."

Johanna smiled softly as she cupped the side of his face. "That's why I love you so much, Thomas... I've never met such a thoughtful man like you."

Thomas smiled and gave her a quick kiss. They've come a long way from the first day they met, and Thomas valued every single moment that they spent together. They rarely fought, but it made him sad whenever they did, but they always found themselves back in each other's arms and reconciling. He was beyond happy to have a wonderful woman like Johanna to love, and soon she will be a part of his life. He couldn't wait to see the kind of family they would make in the future. And just like how he couldn't wait for the day the mother was officially a part of his family, Thomas couldn't wait for her daughter to be officially his daughter.

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