Juvenile Winter

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In the dawn of winter

Bare trees covered both sides of the road

Dusts were about to rise

Hays were still wet with dew

Dry leaves were shining like gold

The sound of beetle and cricket has just stopped

The sound of your bicycle breaks my sleep

Woke up at once and went outside

To take a glance at your charming face

Still in an incomplete dream and half asleep

Took a quick glance rubbing both eyes with my palms

Break my fast with a sip of your grin

Started responding to your unexpressed greeting

Everything was spoken by your eyes

Lips were the passive listener

You were covered with shyness

Like sepals covered petals of the daffodil

Pulling the scarf again and again

Although it was on the shoulder

Just to counter the shyness

I could feel your breath

More than the winter breeze

My heart was beating like a rabbit's heart

Feeling like waited dream come true

Your magic touch melted my heart

Like the snow, the maiden melts the ice

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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