"They seemed to have noticed your absence." Malkym shook his head. "Perhaps, you should return to King's Landing?"

"Not without you." Rhaenyra shook her head, catching his eyes. She would not go back there without him by her side. Now, more than ever, she needed the support.

"Then, we should return to King's Landing." Malkym nodded, as Calym and Michayl both panicked.

"But-But what about Alterwoode?" Calym looked at his brother, worry clear in his eyes. 

"It will manage for a brief period of absence from me. My wedding is soon, it is expected of me to return to King's Landing." Malkym calmed them. "By the time you join me, it'll all be sorted. Rickard will stay with you, and between the three of you, you can keep the lords in check."

"We can manage." Rickard agreed. "The boys and I will be alright."

Malkym hummed in agreement.

"Prepare horses, we ride as soon as possible."

"It is quicker to fly." Rhaenyra corrected. "Syrax is big enough to take two, and we could fly back to King's Landing quicker."

"I do believe you are attempting to kill me before we can be married." Malkym had paled, as Rhaenyra chuckled.

"Do not fret, Ser Rickard. Syrax will keep Malkym safe, and I will make sure that he remains on Syrax's back if he faints."

"That is what I am worried for, Princess. I would hate to rid you of a betrothed before the wedding."

"I should never have introduced you to my family, Rhaenyra." Malkym shook his head, already standing. "If either Calym or Michayl decide to open their mouths and tell you any stories of me, please ignore them."

"They have stories of you? Do tell." Rhaenyra turned to face the two boys, who were smirking at the thought, their previous nerves forgotten. "What is the most embarrassing one?"

"We thought you might never ask." Calym's smirk turned to a viscious grin. "We did not tell you these earlier, my apologies, but, there was this one time..."

A strong arm wrapped around her waist, as Rhaenyra was hoisted off of her chair and carried from the room with ease.

"We shall tell you at the wedding, Princess!" Both boys chorused as Rhaenyra laughed, waiting for Malkym to place her down once more.

"I see I will have to keep you far from my brothers." Malkym pulled a face, though Rhaenyra could see the start of a small grin. "They know far too much that you are not allowed to know."

"I like them. They seem sweet." Rhaenyra replied, smoothing her dress out as Malkym looked down at her. "Now, come, we have to introduce you to Syrax so that we can return to King's Landing in a day's time."

"I feel as though I should be worried."


Syrax had settled a few minutes walk from Alterwoode, at the entrance to one of the forests on Malkym's family's estate. It had not been hard to find her, for the golden dragon truly stood out against the dark green trees. 

Malkym's hand tightened in hers, as he slowed his step. Rhaenyra turned back to him, noting the tense posture and furrowed eyebrows.

"Malkym, come. She will not harm you."

"I have heard too much about this dragon over the past few years, and how she will burn me alive."

"I was joking with you. She will not do anything, not whilst I am here." Rhaenyra squeezed his hand again, a smile playing on her face. This was the first time that she had seen Malkym truly scared. It was a new emotion on him. Malkym still did not look convinced as Rhaenyra turned to her dragon. "Syrax. Come."

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