Both girls started downing their cups as everyone cheered them on and Tory finished first dropping hers to the ground and smirked at the struggling Amy

Tory: Too much for you to handle?

Amy down hers and glared at Tory, while Jack shook his head and tapped Tory on the leg

Jack: I'll be back

She nodded and he walked into the house and saw Hawk watch as Moon and a random girl kissed and He shook his head feeling bad for his friend before he walked towards the stairs needing to pee really bad


He walked back outside just as Tory and Amy finished their cups again and walked over to Robby and sighed

Jack: This is still going on?

Robby: *Sighs* Yeah

He walked over to the keg and grabbed a red cup

Tory: How you doing over there, LaRusso?

Amy: I could do this all day

Tory: Yeah? Hey, Big Red, two shots of vodka

Jack walked over to Tory beer in hand and the shot glass as well and handed it to her worried about this

Jack: Are you sure about this?

Tory: You don't think I can beat her?

Jack shook his head knowing to tread carefully and everyone started cheering as Tory downed it in one go and Amy struggled for a moment before she breathed in and down the shot causing everyone to cheer

Jack watched as the two girls glared at each other before Chubs distracted Tory

Chubs: You got this Tory!

She looked at him right before she fell from the stool and onto the ground

Amy: Guess somebody couldn't hold their liquor. huh?

Jack helped Tory up

Jack: You Ok?

Tory: I'm gonna go clean up. Just leave me alone

She walked back into the house and Jack sighed and shook his head before he grabbed two bottles of beer and walked off


Amy stood at in the kitchen pouring some vodka into her cup and Robby walked over to her and grabbed the cup from her

Robby: Hey, what are you doing?

Amy: Don't worry. I'm-I'm totally fine.

Robby: No you're not. You're not fine. No more drinking.

Amy: What, I'm not allowed to party? And shouldn't you be bothering my sister? She is your girlfriend, right?

Robby sighed and looked around

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