seeing some old friends and getting kidnapped part 2

Start from the beginning

Who is out this late at night? All of them thought in their heads. They didn't know of the danger that they what they didn't know was that they shoulda brought more people with them. Because three against how many are in the building, all they can do is hope and pray to God that Bri's plan will work. She just needs to play her card's carefully and right then maybe just maybe her plan will work.

"Hope this works as we only have one shot, then if that doesn't work we're screwed." Brianna says as she takes a deep breath as she whispering to herself to calm her nerves, and hee anxiety. As this is technically her first ever mission that she's doing. Let alone without her father, sister and Henry.

"It's okay Bria. Just take a deep breath." The sister tells Brianna as she nods her head as she even is unsure of her own answer, but she has to be brave and strong. For her Dad, and everyone in Swellview. But also for her sister, as everyone is counting on her to succeed at this risky and dangerous mission. Even more dangerous than Drex; and that says something.

"Thanks, Phoebe." Brianna says as she looks over where she's hiding and she sees the coast is clear and when it is she gives the siblings the signal its clear.

Once the three of them walk back out like a badass trio of superheroes. With their weapons of choice ready and armed, and their blank faces. It was like a scene taken out of the MCU, or any superhero TV show or movie when the heroes are about to have fun defeating the villains.

(I keep forgetting that this is a kid show so of you hear the word badass it will ALWAYS be in Third Person's POV, nothing more nothing less).

"Let's split until we find a way in. Sound like a plan?" Max says as the two girls say yes in agreement. Before they split up and Brianna makes a waterslide with her powers, and she's now on the roof.

Max and Phoebe are on the west and east side respectively, as Brianna got to what looks like a hatch. Which means a secret entrance. Which also means a secret way to get to her sister.

Brianna's POV

So there's a secret entrance, that's the first. At least that is the first that I've seen. Can't believe I'm breaking in a building. It feels so wrong, but it feels so right. Why do I sound like I'm crazy. So this is what people think when they're on their first mission? Yikes.

I tried to open the door to no avail, and I saw that where was a pin to open it. I put what I've learned from Schwoz about pin numbers and all that. As I'm the only one who understands everything like that.

After myself trying to guess the PIN number to no avail I hologrammed Schwoz. He didn't answer but there's JJ the next best thing. Like me she love's hacking into things, so she helped me guess the PIN number. Which was the dumbest thing because it was 01234 as it was a 5 digit code. Ugh people. If you are going to have something with a PIN don't be dumb and picking out the most guessed one.

I wasn't thinking about that one, though I did guess 1234 not realizing that it was a five digit number. But whatever at least I got in. I checked the time and I groaned as I wasted ten minutes just trying to open it and guess the code.

"Bria? Where are you?" I heard Phoebe whispering on the comm as I groaned as I had to jump down as there wasn't a ladder. Well I think as the light's are turned off, which makes it more creepier. Why am I scared of the dark all of a sudden? I love the dark. Why am I suddenly scared of it.

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