The Power Of Madonna

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"I'm going to Kabbalah," Kurt said as he stood with Mercedes and Adalynn at the younger girl's locker. "Is that too much?"

"No, that's fabulous," said Adalynn.

"Hey guys," Mr. Schue said as he came up to them. "How's this week's assignment coming along?"

"Amazing," Mercedes smiled. "You know how Madonna kinda reinvented the video, right? Well, we got Artie and the AV club to help out."

"And I talked to Brittany and she said she'd talk to the Cheerios about helping out too," Adalynn added. "We're gonna make a Madonna video of our own."

"It's gonna be Madge-ical," Kurt said with a wave of his hand, getting a chuckle out of his sister as he turned to a confused Mercedes. "Madge. You know, Madonna's nickname? You really gotta get up to speed."

"Schuester!" Sue called from down the hall as she made her way up to the Glee Club teacher. "A certain blue-eyed, frizzy-haired blonde little sister of one of my Cheerios told Jean that your Up With People rejects were doing some Madonna songs. Is that true?"

"To be honest, Sue, I got inspired watching your Cheerios," said Mr. Schue.

"Should we leave?" Adalynn whispered to Kurt, who shook his head.

"I'm interested to see where this is going," the older boy whispered.

"I've been waiting years to pay tribute to her," said Sue. "You're not swooping in at the last minute to snatch her from my talons. Madonna belongs to me, and I will not be copied. It's in my contract. I want you to listen very closely. You can have your Barbra's and your Cher's and you Christina's and a girl who looks just like Taylor Swift... and wow I just lost my train of thought. You have so much margarine in your hair."

"Bailey does look like Tay Swizzle," Adalynn mumbled with a nod of her head.

"Okay, first of all, my kids are doing Madonna," said Mr. Schue. "She's public domain and there's nothing you can do about it. Secondly, enough with the hair jokes. Oh, by the way, how's that Florence Henderson look working out for you?"

Adalynn's jaw dropped as she exchanged a look with an equally shocked Kurt, who then exchanged a look with Mercedes.

"Oh! Maybe you should try a new setting on your Flowbee," Mr. Schue insulted. "Oh, snap!"

"Jerk," Adalynn scoffed, glaring at her teacher as he walked down the hallway.

Sue turned and stormed down in the opposite direction, shoving innocent, unsuspecting students that were in her way.

"Maybe we should go talk to her," Mercedes whispered.

"Yeah," Kurt agreed, wincing as Sue shoved Tina into the lockers. "But maybe we should let her cool off first."

"You two idiots have fun with that," Adalynn said as she grabbed her French textbook from her locker. "I don't want to get murdered. Text me when you're ready to film the video."

The younger Hummel gave her brother a quick hug and sent Mercedes a small smile before heading down the hall. She turned the corner and passed Quinn, who sent her a smile. Adalynn smiled back with a small wave as butterflies filled her stomach.



"No way," Adalynn said, shaking her head as she examined the Cheerios uniform Mercedes held out to her. "Not gonna happen."

"Adalynn, please?" the older girl begged, pouting her lips and giving the brunette her best puppy dog eyes. "It would be so much fun if the three of us were on the team together."

"And I won't join unless you do," Kurt added.

"No," the younger girl said, glaring at her brother.

"I'll take you to the Lima Bean everyday after school for a whole week."

"Deal," Adalynn gasped, her eyes widening. She took the uniform from Mercedes and headed to the bathroom to change into it. When she came out of the stall, she took a look at herself in the mirror and couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her lips. She did a small twirl, loving the way the ruffles on the skirt moved with her. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail, which was harder than she thought it would be since it was so long.

The door to the bathroom opened and Quinn came in, her jaw dropping when she saw Adalynn's new look.

"You're a Cheerio now?" the blonde gasped.

"Kurt and Mercedes made me," said Adalynn. "I'm only doing it because he's bribing me with coffee. I don't want anything to do with that team."

"Can I voice my honest opinion?" Quinn asked, biting her lip as she looked the younger girl up and down. "You look really good."

"I look ridiculous," the brunette said, scrunching her nose a bit.

"Here." Quinn took a sparkly peach colored lip gloss out of her backpack's side pocket and applied a thin layer to Adalynn's lips. "There," she smiled, twirling a strand of the younger girl's hair before placing it over her shoulder. "A little lip gloss can pull together any look."

"Thanks, Quinn."

"No need to thank me, Adalynn." Quinn handed her the lip gloss. "Keep it. It's a good color on you."

The two held eye contact for a moment, Adalynn's heart racing in her chest. Quinn gave her a small smile and gently rubbed her shoulder before going into one of the stalls. The younger girl sucked in a breath and left the bathroom, hoping no one in the hallway noticed the blush that tinted her cheeks.

You're so screwed. You're in way over your head.

I know.

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