One: A Devil Among Devils

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Even though Lucifer is by heart a cruel, cold-hearted, tyrant of a creature, he still loves his sister dearly. She is the only one he shows any form of mercy towards.

Lucy is almost the complete opposite of him. Inheriting some of his personality traits, she has still found a way to make herself her own person instead of being a carbon copy of her brother. She has grown fond of humans and has decided not to wreak havoc on this world, much to Lucifer's objection. Besides, without humans, there would be no fear to feed upon.

She had passed three blocks by now, crossing over the street to the other sidewalk like the teenage boy told her to. Lucy noticed a TV playing behind a glass screen and stopped in her tracks to watch it for a second. The news was playing. From there, she was able to see a familiar figure.

Chainsaw Man.

She didn't exactly remember where she saw him, but that form looked familiar even if it was a little bit different to what she actually saw.
A humanoid creature with chainsaws coming from its head and arms. She didn't think it was strange at all.

Lucy also saw that other people stopped to pay attention to the TV. The most common expression on their faces were their mouths hanging open and their eyes sparkling in awe. It appears that Chainsaw Man is pretty famous around these parts. But she thought it was weird to see a devil fighting for humans.
Even though she's doing the same, too.

After five more minutes of walking, she finally made it to Tokyo's devil hunter HQ. She contemplated on whether or not telling them she's a devil was a good idea.

"It shouldn't be that different from working with devils to make contracts with them," she quietly said to herself. "I should be fine as long as I prove to be useful and compliant."

Lucy decided on telling them that she was devil. It was better for them to know now instead of finding out at a later time, anyway. She just hoped she wasn't forced to make contracts with their hunters—which would be highly unlikely.

Taking a deep breath, she entered the building and walked towards the front desk. The receptionist was on currently on the phone so she had to wait for him to finish this call. Lucy grew slightly more impatient by the second until he finally hung up.

"Welcome to Tokyo's Public Safety HQ," he greeted politely. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like to register myself as a compliant devil," she replied hesitantly. "I am willing to help you fight against the threat of devils in this city, as a devil myself."

The receptionist didn't answer for a few seconds. He just stared at her blankly. "Come again?" he said. "A compliant... what?"

"A compliant devil," she repeated. "I wish to become a devil hunter."

Without changing the look on his face, he slowly picked up the phone and muttered something in it after dialing a three-digit number.
"This is a code red, front desk at the main entrance."
The tone of his voice contrasted how calm he looked.

"I guess this was inevitable," she whispered, lowering her head to the ground. "It's not everyday that a devil says they want to help kill their own kind."

Within a matter of moments, Lucy was surrounded by heavily-armed personnel that gathered around her in a circle. They were equipped in thick gear, which covered them from head to toe. Increasing the distance between this unfamiliar devil and themselves were pure titanium shields that were coated with durable fabric. They also held long guns. At this moment , she dare not make any suspicious moves. Proving that she was friendly towards humans is crucial at times like these.

She slowly backed away from the reception desk and allowed the security personnel complete the circle around her. Lucy kept her head down, and her hands behind her back.
She was suddenly joined inside the circle.

Standing in her presence was a blonde man with a grizzly beard on his face, and he was wearing Public Safety's uniform. Upon closer inspection, she saw his ear piercings and acknowledged this stoic impression he gave off.

"It's my first visit here in a while, and I already have to deal with a devil invasion," he grumbled. "I can never get a break.
The man straightened his posture and looked at Lucy directly in the eye. She turned her body to completely face him.
"We'll be taking you into custody."


Although she understood why they were doing this, she didn't appreciate how uncomfortable this atmosphere was. Lucy was in one of those cramped interrogation rooms. The dim light made it hard to see anything out of its range. She could only see the man in front of her, the man who she was being interrogated by.

"What do you expect in return for hunting devils?" the man—whose name is Kishibe—asked. Lucy fidgeted in her seat, in fear of the wrong answer forcing her to do things she didn't want to. "Do you have a goal?"

"I don't expect anything in return besides a good paycheck," she answered honestly, not breaking eye contact. "My goal is to live is a human."

Kishibe narrowed his eyes at her and leaned back in his seat. He looked quite puzzled at this abnormal devil. "Why do you want to live as a human?" he questioned further.

"Living as a devil is horrible," she said. "Having to cower in fear of being hunted to death, living off of the flesh of humans, showing no mercy... I'd rather live like you lot."

He nodded in what seemed like approval. Crossing his arms, he took a moment to come up with another question. "Do you care about the lives of humans at all?"

"No, I do not," she replied. Lucy then realized this may have not been a good answer. "But I guess I'll try to save them if that's what being a devil hunter means."

Kishibe chuckled. "How blunt." Even if she doesn't care, it would be best to recruit someone that can be useful like she's proving to be, he thought.

"So did I pass whatever weird test this was?"

"Not quite yet," he responded. "I still have one more question... which is something I don't believe yet."

"Go ahead."

"What devil are you?"

Lucy pouted at this question. This was the first thing Kishibe had asked her. Even though she told him in (almost) full detail who she was, he was still questioning her.

"Like I said..." she said in an annoyed voice, "I'm the devil devil. If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you by displaying my power on another devil."

"No need," Kishibe replied. He stood up and grabbed his coat from the chair he was sitting on and put it on after pushing his chair in. "If you really want to become a devil hunter, you'll have to prove your might by fighting me, instead."

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