01: Ice queen malfoy

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Iris malfoy stood in her room at malfoy manor as she finished packing for her fifth year. She looked to see her mother, narcissa walked in and smiled

"Iris, are you okay?" Narcissa asked as iris nodded

"I'm fine I am just thinking over returning to Hogwarts and your father had taken Draco to diagonal alley" narcissa said as iris nodded

Narcissa looked to her daughter and smiled. She had always been protective of her daughter and she knew how iris had friends but she knew iris always kept to herself and how she didn't let people in

Iris was an ice princess. Gryffindors we're especially scared of her. She knew how she always kept people at arms lengths and she hated how certain people tried to stick their nose into her life and her business

"Is Draco packed I mean we do return in the morning" iris said as narcissa smiled

"You don't need to worry over Draco. I know he's your brother and you care for him. But Draco is a big boy and he can look after himself" narcissa said as iris closed her trunk and smiled as she looked to narcissa

"Are you sure over that mother? I know how things are changing and how father is sneaking death eaters in here" iris said as narcissa smiled

"Don't you worry darling. I'll look after you and Draco as I always done and whatever your father is getting into well on his own head be it" narcissa said as iris smiled

Iris stood of the train at Hogwarts and groaned as she looked to see someone walked into her and saw Hermione granger. Hermione looked to her and ran off as Draco chuckled as he stood with his sisters

"It's quite entertaining seeing how scared she is of you. You really are the ice princess aren't you?" Draco asked as iris looked to her brother and smirked slightly

"I just have to remind them who is in charge dear brother" iris said as she saw Ron Weasley who was glaring at her

"Is there's a problem carrot boy?" She asked as she looked to see the blood drain from his face

"No" he gulped as she nodded

"Then you will do well to remember that and run along after your girlfriend you may think you'd better then us because your a gryffindor when you aren't even wanted by your own mother" iris spat as he ran off as Draco stood laughing at his sisters ability to terrify people

Iris walked out of the great hall as she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw it was Remus lupin and smiled

"Sorry sir" she said as he smiled slightly

"Not to worry iris. I was distracted are you okay?" He asked as she smiled

Remus knew iris malfoy and how she had always been an ice queen but as he looked to her he knew that there was more to her then that.

He knew that she wasn't as bad as she acted. Iris looked to hun and smiled having no idea how everything was about to change because of a certain professor

Ice princess *R.Lupin*Where stories live. Discover now