Start from the beginning

"What?!" Jonathan yelled to the man, a little too excitedly as he was so panicked. Me and Mike continued to press onto the wound, which seemed to be slowing, but by the looks of Harmon, wasn't a good thing at all.

"No hospital." Harmon replied weakly, using what little energy he had left to refuse help.

"No, no, we're gonna get you to the hospital." Jonathan insisted fairly quickly.

"You need to warn..." the man swallowed, trying his damndest to force out a sentence through his own blood. "O...Owens."

"Owens, okay.." Jonathan confirmed mentally, me and Mike still trying our hardest to conceal Harmons wound as we watched him curiously for what he was trying to tell us.

"The girls..." he went on, clearly speaking about El and Y/N. "They're...they're in danger."

Mike looked at me and Jonathan with a worried glance, and I looked back at him as I felt my stomach drop. Danger?

"Okay, how-how do we find Owens?" Jonathan asked, the only one putting in effort to speak to the man as me and Mike sat still in shock and worry for whatever the hell he was talking about.


Me and Mike gave a quick glance at eachother, confusion arising immediatly.

"Nina? Who's Nina?" Mike questioned, voice high in concern.

"Come on, a pen!" I said, hoping the man could write a full name or an address or something.

Harmon pulled a pen from his pocket, clicking it with no issue even though it happened to be covered completely with his blood.

"Okay..." "Shit!" Me and Mike said similtaniously, surpised by the mans actions.

"Heres the number..." he stated, staring at the three of us as he held the pen.

"Number. Number." Jonathan repeated, staring down at Harmon with wide eyes as if he'd never heard that word before.

"He wants to write something!" Mike shouted, and I got up, moving from my spot to find anything he could possibly write on.

"We can call this Nina?" Jonathan asked the man, seeming as if he had only now gathered that.

"Grab a magazine or something! Will, get something!" Mike fussed as I searched Argyles floor for anything that could possibly be written on.

I pulled a magazine out from under the seat, quickly flipping it open to a bright page and fumbling back over.

"Oh, he's really bleeding a lot." Mike said as I placed the magazine down on Harmon.

Harmon looked to be almost gone, unconsious from the blood loss. But we needed something, anything to get ahold of Owens with. We needed to help El and Y/N. I was desperate.

"Come, on, hey!" Jonathan yelled at him, sounding determined and a little angry.

"Write the number!" I shouted to him, poking the magazine with the pen, tears forming in my eyes from the stress.

Possibly Forever (Will Byers x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now